The Surprising Exercise You Can Do at AFAC Gym to Lose Belly Fat

Graphic of human body showing internal organs and listing the benefits of walking around the image

Are you tired of sifting through endless articles and videos promising miraculous ways to shed those stubborn belly pounds? The internet is inundated with advice on how to achieve a toned midsection, leaving many of us in a state of confusion. You may have heard about countless abdominal exercises, diet plans, and “secret tricks” claiming to be the ultimate solution for losing belly fat. But what if we told you that the best exercise to lose belly fat isn’t what everyone thinks it is?

In this blog, we’ll challenge conventional wisdom and unveil a surprising, science-backed exercise that can help you achieve your dream of a flatter, more toned tummy. It’s not about doing hundreds of crunches or investing in fancy workout equipment. Instead, we’re going to explore an exercise that targets your belly fat in a unique way, igniting your metabolism and promoting fat loss more effectively than you might have ever imagined.

So, if you’re ready to discover the real secret to shedding belly fat and finally achieving the six pack you desire, keep reading. It’s time to debunk the myths and unveil the truth about a game-changing exercise that could transform your fitness journey at AFAC gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Cracking the Belly Fat Code: Genetics, Calories, and Exercising at the Gym

When it comes to the battle of the bulge around your midsection, you might be wondering why belly fat seems to cling on for dear life, while other areas of your body may shed excess pounds more readily. The answer lies in a combination of factors, and it all begins with your genetics.

Genetics Play a Key Role

Your genetic makeup largely determines where your body prefers to store fat. For many individuals, the belly becomes the go-to storage depot for excess calories. While this may seem like a genetic setback on your quest for a slimmer abdomen, fear not, because there is hope.

The Calorie Deficit Solution

The good news is that genetics don’t have the final say in your fat loss journey. Regardless of where your body stores fat, the fundamental principle of weight loss remains the same: creating a calorie deficit. In other words, you need to consume fewer calories than your body expends.

By maintaining a calorie deficit over time, you’ll inevitably start shedding fat from all areas of your body, even those places where genetics stubbornly hoard it, like your belly. The key is consistency and patience.

The Role of Gym Exercise in Belly Fat Loss

While your diet should be the primary tool for creating a calorie deficit, incorporating specific exercises into your plan can accelerate your belly fat loss by helping you burn extra calories and keeping your metabolism revved up, even as you shed pounds through dietary changes.

However, not all exercises are equally effective when it comes to targeting stubborn belly fat. Traditional cardio activities like running, rowing, cycling, stairclimbing, rock climbing, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are known for their calorie-burning prowess. They can indeed work wonders, but here’s the catch: many people find them challenging to stick with in the long run.

The Willpower Challenge

The issue with traditional cardio and high-intensity workouts isn’t that they don’t work – they do, and they can be incredibly effective. The problem lies in the significant willpower and mental toughness they demand. These workouts can be grueling, requiring a level of commitment that can be tough to maintain over time.

So, what’s the solution for those seeking to shed stubborn belly fat without an unsustainable exercise regimen? In the following sections, we’ll unveil the surprising exercise that can make this journey not only more manageable but also more enjoyable, while still achieving the desired results. It’s time to discover the game-changer that could transform your approach to losing belly fat.

The Surprising Champion: Walking — Your Best Ally for Belly Fat Loss

While intense cardio workouts certainly have their place in the world of fitness, they might not be the most sustainable or practical solution for everyone, especially when it comes to losing that stubborn belly fat and maintaining a healthy lifestyle long-term. The real question is: What can you stick with for the rest of your life? The answer might just surprise you.

Walking: A Game-Changer for Belly Fat Loss

Believe it or not, the best exercise to lose belly fat is something so simple and accessible that you might have overlooked it: walking. It’s the easiest form of cardio to maintain, it comes with the least amount of stress and fatigue, and offers versatility like no other. But before you brush it off, let’s dive into the science behind this revelation.

Research Speaks Volumes: Walking vs. Intense Cardio

Studies have shown that, when it comes to shedding those extra pounds around your midsection, intense forms of cardio such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or running may not offer a significantly superior fat loss effect compared to more extended yet less intense forms of exercise like walking. It’s all a matter of numbers.

Your body doesn’t discriminate between the calories burned during an intense, fasted cardio session and those burned during a leisurely walk. What truly matters is consistency over time. When you crunch the numbers, you’ll discover that the calories you burn through walking can quickly accumulate to a meaningful amount.

The Walking Advantage: Why It Works

  • Sustainability: Walking is an activity you can seamlessly incorporate into your daily routine. Whether it’s an early-morning treadmill trek, stroll through the park, walk to work, or post-dinner amble, walking is something you can do consistently without feeling overwhelmed or drained.
  • Low Stress and Fatigue: Unlike high-intensity workouts that can leave you exhausted and sore, walking is gentle on your body. It reduces the risk of burnout and injury, making it a viable long-term solution.
  • Versatility: You can adapt walking to your fitness level and goals. Increase the intensity by walking briskly or on an incline when you’re ready for a challenge, or keep it leisurely when you need a more relaxed session.
  • Sustainable Fat Loss: When you engage in walking as your primary cardio exercise, you create a foundation for sustainable fat loss. It’s not just about losing belly fat but also keeping it off in the long run.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the how-tos of incorporating walking into your daily routine and optimizing it for maximum belly fat-burning results. Say goodbye to the idea that you must suffer through intense cardio to achieve your goals, and say hello to the simple joy of walking toward a fitter, healthier you.

Nordic Walking at AFAC Gym and Belly Fat Loss

Have you ever heard of Nordic walking? It’s a dynamic fitness activity offered at AFAC gym that transforms your daily stroll into a full-body, fat-burning adventure.

You can join our Nordic Walking classes every Saturday from 9-10 a.m. by signing up on MINDBODY. These classes are taught by Susan Schaffner, the owner of AFAC gym and a certified Personal Instructor with the American Nordic Walking Association. Whether you’re a newcomer to Nordic walking or a seasoned pro with your own trusty poles, these weekly classes at our gym offer an excellent opportunity to explore the sport and work towards shedding that stubborn belly fat.

Nordic walkers hold specially designed ski poles in their hands to balance and propel themselves forward. The concept may sound simple, but takes a little time and practice to master the sport. However, the effort is well worth it, as Nordic walking offers a low-impact yet high-intensity exercise that rivals running without the strain on your joints. This activity is particularly beneficial for individuals with mobility challenges, as it allows them to cover greater distances with improved stability and speed. Moreover, at AFAC gym, Nordic walkers have the option to use standard Nordic walking poles or bungee poles for an even more demanding workout. Bungee poles have more give in them, thereby requiring additional muscles and coordination to master.

Studies have illuminated the remarkable benefits of Nordic walking, including its capacity to burn up to 46% more calories than traditional walking, making it an ideal choice for those aiming to shed belly fat. Furthermore, Nordic walking elevates the aerobic impact of walking by as much as 25%. It also engages a remarkable 90% of the body’s muscles compared to the 70% activated during regular walks. This vigorous activity boosts your heart rate by an additional 10-15% compared to standard walking. And, on average, it burns at least 400 calories per hour, significantly more than the approximately 280 calories consumed during a typical 60-minute walk. Nordic walking is the perfect fusion of nature and fitness, offering a rewarding exercise experience for enthusiasts of all levels.

Using Walking as a Powerful Tool to Lose Belly Fat

Now that you’re aware of the incredible potential of walking in your quest to lose belly fat, let’s dive into the practical details of how to make the most of this accessible and enjoyable exercise. Walking can be a game-changer, but to see real results, you need a structured approach.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Activity Level

Begin your journey by understanding where you currently stand in terms of daily physical activity. You can effortlessly track your steps using a treadmill at AFAC gym, our MYZONE activity belt, the health app on your iPhone or Google Fit if you’re on Android. Over the course of a week, calculate your daily average. You might be surprised to find out just how few steps you’re taking per day. But don’t worry; this is an opportunity waiting to be seized.

Step 2: Set Realistic Goals

The key to effective belly fat loss through walking is gradual progression. Start by setting achievable goals. A fantastic starting point is to aim for an additional 2,000 steps per day. Considering that the average person takes about 1,200 steps during a brisk 10-minute walk, you can easily achieve this by incorporating two 10-minute walks into your daily routine.

Step 3: Gradually Increase Your Step Count

Once you’ve successfully integrated those initial 2,000 extra steps into your daily routine, it’s time to level up. Gradually increase your goal by another 2,000 steps. Continue this pattern, pushing yourself to reach and maintain a daily step count of at least 8,000 steps, or even up to 15,000 steps if you’re up for the challenge. Research suggests that this range provides the most significant fat loss and health benefits.

Small Changes, Big Results

Remember, it’s the small, consistent efforts that add up over time. Here are a few tips to help you boost your step count and amplify your fat-burning potential:

  • Take Short Walk Breaks: Instead of sitting for extended periods, take short walking breaks. Even a 5-minute stroll every hour can make a substantial difference in your daily step count.
  • Walk Whenever Possible: Whenever you have the opportunity, choose to walk. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator, park a bit farther from your destination, or walk to the store for smaller errands.
  • Explore New Routes: Vary your walking routes to keep things interesting. Exploring new trails around our beautiful Thornton, CO, area can motivate you to lace up your sneakers and head out.
  • Use Technology: Consider investing in a pedometer or fitness tracker. These devices can help you monitor your progress and stay accountable.

A Reminder on Diet

While walking is a potent tool for belly fat loss, it’s essential to remember that it works best when combined with a healthy diet. Physical activity and nutrition go hand in hand. Focus on consuming a balanced diet that supports your goals, and you’ll see even more significant changes in your waistline.

Seven Steps to Maintaining a Calorie Deficit

Below are the steps you should take to maintain a calorie deficit to lose fat and maintain or gain muscle. It’s always best to visit your healthcare provider for a checkup before making any drastic changes to your diet or exercise program.

  1. Figure out what your maintenance calories are. There are several online calculators you can use to estimate your maintenance calories.
  2. Once you arrive at an estimate of the calories you need per day, consistently eat fewer calories over time to lose fat. Don’t go too overboard restricting calories, however, because that could cause your metabolism to slow down, making it harder to lose weight. A reasonable calorie deficit is about 500 per day, which should result in a loss of one pound per week. (One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories.) Just keep in mind that as you lose weight, your body will require fewer maintenance calories. If you need to lose more weight, you may need to decrease your calorie intake (and increase your exercise sessions) as time goes on.
  3. Track all the calories you eat using an app like MyFitnessPal to ensure you’re maintaining a reasonable calorie deficit.
  4. Prioritize eating plenty of lean protein with every meal so that you can maintain muscle mass as you lose fat. Protein will also help you feel fuller, longer. Healthy individuals should aim to get 30-40% of their calories from lean protein sources. Also incorporate plenty of vegetables and other high-fiber foods into your diet.
  5. Weigh yourself once a week or use our InBody 770 body composition analyzer at AFAC gym to measure your fat loss over time.
  6. Exercise every day to burn extra calories, but remember that you can’t out-train a bad diet.
  7. Cardiovascular exercise like walking is a great way to burn calories, and you should also strength train all the major muscle groups in your body 2-3 times per week. Strength training helps you build muscle tissue, which burns more calories at rest than fat.

In the next section, we’ll explore the many other benefits of walking beyond just belly fat loss, highlighting how this simple activity can transform your overall well-being.

Beyond Belly Fat: The Myriad Health Benefits of Walking at the Gym

Walking isn’t just a one-trick pony when it comes to health. While it excels at helping you shed unwanted belly fat, its benefits extend far beyond a trim waistline. Let’s explore the diverse ways in which regular walking can enhance your overall well-being.

Managing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Walking is a powerful ally against high blood pressure and diabetes. By incorporating this simple activity into your daily routine, you can help lower your blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels. This reduction in risk factors not only promotes heart health but also decreases the likelihood of diabetes-related complications.

Enhancing Mental Well-Being

Walking is a natural mood booster. It reduces stress and anxiety, improving your mental well-being. Additionally, it enhances memory and sharpens concentration. The tranquility of a leisurely walk can be a therapeutic escape from the demands of daily life.

Promoting Bone Health

As you age, maintaining healthy bone density becomes crucial. Walking regularly plays a pivotal role in this. It stimulates the production of new bone tissue, slowing down the natural decline in bone density that occurs with age. This helps reduce the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Walking actively contributes to the reduction of cholesterol levels. When you walk, your body taps into fat stores for energy, reducing the need to use cholesterol as a fuel source. Lower cholesterol levels can significantly decrease your risk of heart disease and related complications.

Reducing Cancer Risk

Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, can substantially lower your risk of various chronic diseases, including cancer. Studies have shown that increased physical activity is associated with decreased rates of chronic disease risk, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and overall mortality. Walking, with its diverse health benefits, should be regarded as a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle.

Guarding Against Dementia

Dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease, can be a concerning issue as we age. Walking may help mitigate this risk. While further research is needed to establish specific links, studies have suggested that daily walks can reduce the risk of all types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Staying active through walking can help preserve cognitive function.

Improving Sleep Quality

Consistent physical activity, like walking, can lead to better sleep quality. By expending energy during the day, you’re more likely to experience restful nights. Improved sleep not only enhances your overall health but also supports your weight loss and fat-burning efforts.

Incorporating walking into your daily routine offers a multitude of benefits that extend well beyond losing belly fat. It’s an accessible and enjoyable way to invest in your health, both physically and mentally. So, lace up your shoes, step on a treadmill at the gym, and start reaping the rewards of this simple yet profoundly effective form of exercise.

Walk Away Your Belly Fat at AFAC Gym

In our quest to uncover the best exercise to lose belly fat, it turns out that the unassuming act of walking is a formidable tool, one that can not only help you shed stubborn belly fat but also transform your overall well-being.

Walking isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a celebration of health and vitality. It’s a sustainable choice, one that you can integrate seamlessly into your daily life, without the daunting demands of constant high-intensity workouts. From regulating blood pressure and managing diabetes to fostering mental serenity, promoting bone health, and lowering cholesterol, the benefits of walking are multifaceted.

It’s an exercise that knows no age limits, and it’s equally effective for the fitness novice and the seasoned athlete. Whether you’re walking through a serene park, on a bustling city street, or on a treadmill in the comfort of AFAC gym, every step is a step towards better health.

Remember that while walking is a potent tool, it works most effectively in tandem with a balanced, calorie-controlled diet and a holistic approach to health. By nourishing your body with the right foods and prioritizing regular physical activity, you’re not just chasing a flatter belly; you’re pursuing a lifetime of vitality.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner stepping into our gym for the first time, our personal trainers are here to guide you through each workout. They can assist you with weaving walking into a customized fitness program that aligns with your goals. The personal trainers at AFAC gym are always here to support your efforts so you’ll see the results you’re working so hard for. That’s why we’re the best gym in Thornton, Colorado.

If you’d like to learn more about AFAC gym and our incredible array of strength training and cardio equipment — as well as our unique offerings like daily group classes, cryotherapy, hydro massage, and our rock climbing wall and cave — we hope you will visit us for a personalized tour. Our team will be happy to help you. For more information and assistance, you can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or