Unveiling the Top Tricks for Taming Your Tummy at AFAC Gym

Two profile pictures of same man with his shirt off. Left picture shows man before belly fat loss, right picture shows man after belly fat loss.

Losing belly fat can be really tough for many people who want a slimmer tummy.

The fat around the belly is often stubborn and hard to get rid of. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not as simple as working out at the gym. Things like your genes, hormones, eating habits, and stress can all make it harder to lose belly fat. That’s why it can be a frustrating journey. To succeed, you need to have a plan that includes exercise, eating well, and managing stress. It’s not easy, but with the right approach, you can overcome the challenges of losing belly fat.

In this blog, we’ll unravel a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and tactics that will guide you towards a flatter midsection. Say goodbye to the muffin top and hello to a trimmer waistline as AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado, unveils the wisdom that will help you bid adieu to belly fat once and for all.

Why People Join the Gym to Lose Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is important for both aesthetic and health reasons.

Beyond the desire for a slimmer waistline, excess belly fat can have serious implications for overall wellbeing. Belly fat, particularly the deep visceral fat that surrounds internal organs, has been linked to an increased risk of various health conditions, including:

Additionally, carrying excess weight around the midsection can disrupt hormonal balance and contribute to metabolic disorders. By losing that spare tire, individuals can significantly improve their overall health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, boost self-confidence, and enhance their quality of life. It is not just about appearance; it is about taking proactive steps towards a healthier and happier future.

Shedding Belly Fat Means Shedding Body Fat

Shedding belly fat isn’t a simple task, and the idea of targeting specific areas for fat loss (like your stomach) is nothing more than a myth.

Think of emptying a swimming pool. You can’t drain only one corner — you have to drain the entire pool. The same goes with belly fat. You must lose fat from your entire body to eventually lose fat in your stomach area. And your body decides which fat to lose and in what order.

Losing weight is all about maintaining a calorie deficit. When it comes to losing weight, there’s no magic calorie number for getting rid of belly fat or body fat. Generally, experts recommend being in a calorie deficit through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.

For example, if your starting calorie intake is 1800, you should consume fewer calories than that and exercise to burn a few more calories. It’s basic math. To calculate the number of calories you should consume to lose weight, it’s best to consult with your doctor or a nutritionist. There are also online calculators available to get a rough estimate of how many calories you need per day. Once you know your maintenance calories, aim to eat fewer calories than that to lose weight, but don’t be too drastic with your efforts. For most people, a reasonable goal is to reduce calories by 500 per day which can lead to losing about a pound per week.

To trim body fat, health professionals also suggest burning extra calories with at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise per day, such as walking, running, cycling, rowing, or dancing. The key is to find activities you truly enjoy to keep things interesting.

Spot training, like doing countless crunches, won’t lead to fat loss or a toned core if your overall lifestyle and diet are unhealthy. As the old saying goes, you can’t out-train a bad diet. Remember, fat loss occurs throughout the body, not just in the targeted area. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet, incorporate cardio and strength training, and combine it with core exercises to achieve the desired results.

Read on for some tips on how to achieve the 6-pack abs you’ve always wanted!

Are There Any Particular Exercises I Can Do at the Gym to Burn Belly Fat?

If you’ve been relying on abdominal exercises to banish belly fat, it’s time to rethink your approach. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, endlessly crunching your abs won’t have a significant impact on reducing that stubborn layer of fat covering them.

While exercises like sit-ups can certainly strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles, they won’t directly target the fat above them. Spot reduction, the idea of burning fat from a specific area through targeted exercises, has been debunked by research.

To truly tackle belly fat, a comprehensive approach is necessary. This includes a combination of healthy eating, cardiovascular exercises, and full-body strength training. By focusing on overall fat loss and building lean muscle mass, you can gradually reduce the layer of fat around your midsection.

That said, a combination of core exercises and full-body movements that demand a ton of effort and promote high calorie burn will bring your body fat down over time and shave the fat around your stomach. Plus, once your belly fat does go down, your abs will look strong and ripped thanks to your frequent workouts.

Here are some ab shredding and fat burning exercises that you can implement to work on your midsection.

Embrace the Potential of Strength Training at the Gym

Strength training, a form of exercise where your muscles work against resistance, is a game-changer when it comes to shedding fat. By engaging in activities like weightlifting, you can build muscle mass and enhance your strength over time.

Numerous studies have highlighted the remarkable benefits of strength training, particularly in terms of fat loss. A review of 58 studies revealed that just four weeks of resistance training could reduce body fat by an average of 1.46%.

Moreover, strength training has been shown to significantly decrease body fat mass and target visceral fat, the harmful fat that surrounds organs in the abdominal region. In fact, research indicates that strength training outperformed aerobic exercise alone in reducing body fat among adolescents with obesity after five months of consistent training.

What’s more, resistance training helps preserve fat-free mass (lean muscle), which can increase your resting metabolic rate and the number of calories your body burns even at rest.

Getting started with strength training is simple—whether it’s through bodyweight exercises, lifting weights, or utilizing weight machines at the gym, the possibilities are endless.

Supercharge Your Fitness with Cardiovascular Exercise

When it comes to burning fat and losing weight, cardio exercise takes center stage. Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, focuses on training the heart and lungs, and it is one of the most popular forms of physical activity. Incorporating cardio into your fitness routine can be highly effective in promoting fat burning and weight loss.

Numerous studies have shown the positive impact of aerobic exercise on reducing belly fat in middle-aged women. Additionally, cardio workouts have been linked to increased muscle mass, as well as reductions in belly fat, waist circumference, and overall body fat.

To reap the benefits of aerobic exercise, most research recommends engaging in 150–300 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio exercise per week, or approximately 20–40 minutes of cardio each day.

At AFAC gym, you have a variety of options to choose from such as running, walking, cycling, stairclimbing, and rowing, to name just a few.

The NEAT Way to Burn Calories

You may not realize it, but the calories you burn through your daily activities, known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), can make a significant difference in reducing body fat. NEAT includes all the energy expended during everyday tasks like cooking, vacuuming, doing laundry, and even fidgeting. While these activities may seem minor, every calorie burned counts towards your fat loss goals.

On the other hand, leading a sedentary lifestyle with excessive sitting can contribute to fat accumulation. Research has shown a correlation between low NEAT levels and obesity. The good news is that small changes can lead to big results. By incorporating more movement into your daily routine, you can enhance fat burning and promote a healthier body composition.

Look for simple opportunities to increase your activity levels throughout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car farther away to get some extra steps in, or lend a helping hand by carrying groceries for a neighbor. These small adjustments can add up over time and contribute to your overall fat loss efforts.

Walk Away From That Belly Fat

Simply going on a daily walk can be one of the best ways to lose belly fat. Walking burns a couple hundred calories per hour, is easy on your joints, builds muscle and bone mass, and helps you maintain your functional fitness as you age. You can use your daily walks to spend time with family and friends, chat on the phone, or meditate. Walking in nature is particularly good for improving your mood and mental health, too.

Understanding Stress Belly: How Stress Impacts Your Waistline

Have you ever wondered why stress seems to affect your midsection? It turns out that our body’s response to stress can contribute to the development of what is commonly known as “stress belly.” Let’s explore how stress influences our body and how these responses can lead to an increase in abdominal fat.

One key player in the stress response is cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol helps regulate blood sugar levels, metabolism, and various other functions in the body. Alongside adrenaline and other hormones, cortisol is part of our body’s “fight or flight” response to stress. In times of crisis, this stress response helps us focus by slowing down unnecessary bodily functions. Once the threat passes, everything returns to normal, which is beneficial.

However, chronic or prolonged stress can keep our stress hormone levels, including cortisol, elevated for extended periods. This can lead to elevated blood pressure and blood sugar levels, which can be detrimental to our health. In fact, research from a 2018 review study has found a strong association between long-term high cortisol levels and the development of abdominal obesity.

It’s important to note that not everyone with obesity has high cortisol levels. Researchers suggest that genetics may play a role in the sensitivity of our bodies to glucocorticoids, the class of hormones that cortisol belongs to. This highlights the complex interplay between stress, hormones, and body weight regulation.

By understanding the relationship between stress and abdominal fat, we can take steps to manage our stress levels effectively. Incorporating stress-reducing practices into our daily routines, such as exercise, meditation, and seeking social support, can help mitigate the impact of stress on our bodies. Prioritizing self-care and adopting healthy coping mechanisms can go a long way in maintaining overall wellbeing and keeping stress belly at bay.

Harness the Power of Protein for Fat Loss

If you’re looking to shed excess fat, incorporating more protein-rich foods into your diet can work wonders.

Studies have consistently shown that consuming a higher amount of high-quality protein is associated with a reduced risk of excess body fat, visceral abdominal fat, and obesity. Not only does protein help curb your appetite, but a high protein diet can also help preserve muscle mass and keep your metabolism active during weight loss. By increasing your protein intake, you’ll experience a greater sense of fullness, reduced hunger, and a decrease in overall calorie consumption—all of which contribute to successful weight loss.

One study revealed that increasing protein intake to 25% of daily calories resulted in a remarkable 60% reduction in cravings and a 50% decrease in late-night snack cravings.

To reap the benefits of protein for weight loss, aim to consume around 25% to 40% of your daily calories from high-quality protein sources.

To incorporate more protein into your meals, consider adding servings of protein-rich foods such as lean meat (chicken, turkey, lean beef), seafood, eggs, legumes, nuts, tofu, and dairy products like milk, cheese, and Greek yogurt. You can also supplement your protein intake with protein powders and bars. While you eat more protein-rich foods, just make sure your overall calorie consumption remains within your goal for weight loss or weight maintenance.

Grip the Goodness of Healthy Fats

Contrary to popular belief, incorporating healthy fats into your diet can actually help prevent weight gain. A 12-month study revealed that following a Mediterranean diet abundant in healthy fats from sources like olive oil and nuts led to greater long-term weight loss compared to a low-fat diet. Additionally, research has shown that diets enriched with olive oil can result in greater reductions in body weight and belly fat when compared to diets without olive oil. On the other hand, increased consumption of trans fats—commonly found in fried or processed foods—has been linked to long-term weight gain.

To reap the benefits, include nutritious fats in your meals such as:

  • Fatty fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, sardines, and herring
  • Olive oil and coconut oil
  • Avocados
  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and macadamia nuts
  • Seeds, particularly chia seeds
  • Cheese
  • Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa
  • Whole eggs
  • Full-fat yogurt, particularly Greek yogurt because of its high protein content

It’s important to note that healthy fats are still calorie-dense, so moderation is key. Instead of increasing your overall fat intake, try swapping fried foods, processed ingredients, and refined oils with these healthier alternatives. By making these adjustments, you can use healthy fats to support your weight management journey while nourishing your body.

Satisfy Your Hunger with Fiber

If you’re looking to curb your appetite to reduce your belly fat and maintain a healthy weight, fiber is your secret weapon. Soluble fiber, found in plant-based foods, absorbs water and moves slowly through your digestive system, providing a prolonged feeling of fullness.

Research suggests that increasing your intake of high-fiber foods can actually protect against weight gain. For instance, a study involving 345 participants revealed that higher fiber intake was associated with increased weight loss and improved adherence to a healthy diet. Another review highlighted that an increase in soluble fiber intake led to significant reductions in body weight and belly fat, regardless of calorie intake.

Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are all excellent sources of fiber to incorporate into your diet. By filling up on fiber-rich foods, you can support your weight management goals and enjoy the benefits of feeling satiated for longer periods.

Make the Switch to Whole Grains

If you’re aiming to shed excess body fat, reducing your consumption of refined carbs is a smart move.

Refined grains undergo processing that strips them of their bran and germ, resulting in a final product that lacks essential fiber and nutrients. Moreover, refined carbs tend to have a high glycemic index (GI), leading to blood sugar spikes and crashes that can trigger increased hunger. However, the impact on blood sugar levels is less pronounced when refined carbs are consumed as part of a balanced meal rather than on their own.

Long-term studies have associated diets high in refined carbs with an increase in belly fat. On the other hand, diets rich in whole grains have been linked to lower body mass index (BMI), reduced body weight, and smaller waist circumference. It’s important to note that traditional weight metrics like BMI don’t provide a comprehensive assessment of overall health.

To make a positive change, aim to replace refined carbs found in pastries, cakes, cookies, processed foods, pasta, white bread, and breakfast cereals with whole grains such as whole wheat, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, and oats. By opting for whole grains, you’re nourishing your body with fiber and essential nutrients while working towards a healthier and trimmer you.

Savor Your Meals and Control Your Weight

Did you know that it takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to receive signals from your digestive system indicating that you’re full? By taking your time, slowing down, and truly enjoying your meals, you give your body the opportunity to communicate its satiety levels, helping you avoid unintentional overeating.

A helpful strategy is to aim for feeling 80% full during your meals and then allow your brain some time to catch up. By giving yourself a few minutes before reaching for seconds, you may find that you naturally eat less, preventing excess calorie intake and the accumulation of body fat.

Taking the time to eat mindfully and savor each bite can be a game-changer when it comes to weight control. So, make it a habit to slow down, appreciate your food, and allow your body to signal when it’s had enough. By doing so, you can maintain a healthier body weight and prevent unnecessary belly fat gain.

Unlock the Power of Sleep for Belly Fat Management

Making a small adjustment to your sleep schedule can have a big impact on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Studies consistently show that getting sufficient sleep is associated with weight loss.

For instance, a 10-year study discovered a higher risk of obesity among young women who slept fewer than 6 hours per night. Another study revealed that even just 1 hour less of sleep per night resulted in less fat loss for individuals following a low-calorie diet, compared to those who slept enough. Furthermore, research suggests that inadequate sleep can disrupt hunger hormones, increase appetite, and raise the risk of obesity. While everyone’s sleep needs vary, most studies indicate that at least 7 hours of sleep per night provide the greatest benefits for weight management and overall wellbeing.

To promote a healthy sleep cycle, establish a consistent sleep routine, limit caffeine consumption in the evening, and minimize the use of electronic devices before bed. Embrace the power of quality sleep to support your weight loss goals and optimize your overall health.

Experience the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting, a diet pattern that involves alternating between periods of eating and fasting, has gained popularity for its potential to boost weight and fat loss. While intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone, research suggests that it can have positive effects on your body composition.

One review focused on alternate-day fasting, where fasting days alternate with regular eating days. Over a period of 3-12 weeks, this method resulted in a reduction in body weight of up to 7% and a decrease in body fat of approximately 12 pounds (5.5 kg). Another small study demonstrated that restricting eating to an 8-hour window each day, coupled with resistance training, helped decrease fat mass and maintain muscle mass.

There are various types of intermittent fasting to choose from, such as Eat Stop Eat, the Warrior Diet, the 16/8 method, and the 5:2 diet. Find a variation that aligns with your schedule and be open to experimenting to discover the approach that works best for you. Intermittent fasting offers a flexible and potentially effective strategy to support your weight loss goals.

Be Patient With Losing Belly Fat at AFAC Gym

Perhaps the best piece of advice we can give when it comes to losing belly fat is, it takes time. You might see slight improvements in weeks, but many people have found that consistent, focused efforts over months or even years is the key to a flatter stomach.

If you have additional questions about how to lose belly fat, AFAC gym has an experienced team of personal trainers on our staff who can assist you! They’ll even help you design a fitness program that can help keep you reduce abdominal fat and overall body fat while helping you gain muscle.

As the best gym in Thornton, Colorado, AFAC’s state-of-the-art strength training and cardio equipment provide you with virtually unlimited options for your workouts. In addition, AFAC gym has a full schedule of group classes that can teach you fun, creative ways to burn calories and lose belly fat. These are some of the many ways that AFAC gym is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our members and ensuring they see the results they’re working toward.

If you’re not a member of AFAC gym but would like more information, please stop by and speak to our team. For more information and assistance, you can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or susan@adventurefitness.club.