Which Gym Exercises Are Best for Mental Health?

Graphic with the words "Mental Health" in middle, surrounded by smaller words that describe physical health like body, exercise, and dieting

You’ve probably heard that regular exercise offers many benefits for your mental health. In study after study, exercise has been shown to give people more energy throughout the day, a sharper memory, better sleep at night, a more positive attitude, and an overall sense of relaxation and well-being. As a matter of fact, doctors regularly prescribe exercise as a treatment for a variety of mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, ADHD, and stress.

While this is all great news for those of us who work out regularly at the gym, it begs the question, which exercises should I do to support my mental health? Research has shown that even modest amounts of any exercise, regardless of your age or fitness level, can be a powerful tool that improves mental health. In this blog, we’ll explore some specific brain-boosting exercises you can try at AFAC gym.

A Few Thoughts Before You Begin Exercising for Mental Health

Talk to your doctor

Prior to beginning an exercise program to improve your mental health, make sure to discuss any concerns you have with your health care provider or a mental health professional. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it affects every area of your life. That’s why it’s important to talk to your doctor and get their input on any workouts you plan to do, and consider how they will fit into your overall treatment plan.

How much exercise do you need to improve mental health?

When it comes to how much exercise a person needs to see the biggest mental health benefits, it turns out, more isn’t always better. As exercise frequency increases, mental health improves, but only up to a point at which mental health declines again. According to research, 45 minutes of exercise, 3-5 times per week, seems to be the sweet spot.

If you work out more than this, will your mental health worsen? Not necessarily, but it is something to keep in mind and monitor as you carry out your regimen. While people seemed to have worse mental health after exercising for more than three hours at a time, this could be due to an underlying mental health condition like obsessive behavior, or simple exhaustion.

Similarly, the CDC recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to maintain their physical health, which could be accomplished by working out 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. This should be encouraging news since it lines up well with mental health research and recommendations.

So, which exercises are best for mental health?

First and foremost, remember that the best exercises for your mental health are those you enjoy. Moving in a way that gives you happiness is the key to making it a positive experience that you can stick to for the long term.

Favorite Mood-Boosting Exercises at AFAC Gym

Once you’ve received clearance from your doctor and have planned out a schedule that works for you, here are some exercises you can do at AFAC gym that have been shown to benefit mental health.

Walking, Jogging, and Running

Walking, jogging, and running are ideal exercises for so many reasons and offer incredible psychological benefits.

If you’re a beginner, you can stick to walking, which is a low-impact exercise you can do almost anywhere, whether it’s out in the fresh air or on a treadmill at our Thornton gym. Going for a walk, even for 15 minutes, can help ease stress, anxiety, and depression. Another excellent feature of walking is that you can start with a slow stroll and then increase intensity over time by walking faster or up a steeper incline. This will increase the mental health benefits and give you the added bonus of pushing your body to be more fit.

As you get better at walking, you might want to try mixing jogging or running into your regimen. Similar to walking, jogging and running can also be done outside or on a treadmill at the gym. As you run, your body will release mood-elevating endorphins that provide a “runner’s high” when you’re done. This high can range from an overall feeling of wellbeing to a mild euphoria. Joggers and runners also report that they enjoy better sleep and stress relief after their workout.

For those who are concerned with the impact that jogging or running has on their joints, a great alternative is to workout on an elliptical trainer, rowing machine, or stationary bike at our gym. Other similar cardiovascular workout options at our gym include:

  • ElliptiGO classes — Head outside for an exciting, low-impact excursion with your friends at AFAC gym.
  • Nordic Walking classes — This fun outdoor class combines the benefits of walking and skiing into one low-impact cardiovascular workout.
  • Smovey — The vibration and weight-training benefits of Smovey leave users feeling relaxed and revitalized.


The meditation and thoughtful breathing exercises of yoga are said to ease stress, relax muscle tension, and increase bodily awareness. Yoga has also been shown to give people a more positive outlook on life, increase mental clarity and calmness, sharpen concentration, and improve sleeping patterns.

AFAC gym holds regular Yoga and Meditation classes at our gym that are free to our members. Club members can register for our Yoga Classes on MINDBODY or can check out our class schedule page for more information. Non-members also can join for a $10 per-class fee.

Strength / Resistance Training

Strength training, also known as resistance training, is any exercise that involves pushing or pulling against a force. This force can come in the form of weight machines, free weights, resistance bands, or body weight exercises.

The benefits of strength training are abundant. Physically, strength training helps you build muscle strength, muscle tone, bone strength, and improved functioning in everyday life.

Mentally, strength training improves memory, lowers anxiety, enhances cognitive function, improves sleep quality, and has also been shown to help people battle depression and chronic fatigue. In addition, strength training is an awesome way to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

If you’re a beginner and not sure how to get involved in strength training, please ask a member of our team for assistance. We have several experienced personal trainers on staff who can provide all the help and guidance you need.


Kickboxing is not only a fantastic way to work up a sweat, but it also helps people let off steam. Since it’s an intense form of exercise, kickboxing encourages a healthy release of mood-boosting endorphins. Plus, the kicking and punching movements are celebrated for their ability to release pent-up aggression. Kickboxing is also known for its ability to increase focus, bravery, and self-control — all traits that are valuable for supporting your emotional wellbeing.

AFAC gym holds regular Kickboxing classes at our gym that are free to our members. For more information, visit our class schedule page or sign up on MINDBODY.


Indoor cycling enthusiasts often praise the mental health benefits they get from spinning, whether it’s riding a spin bike on their own or participating in regular spin classes. One study found that after 30 minutes of spinning, people scored higher on tests of planning, memory, and reasoning than before they rode. A good spin therapy session can also elevate your mood and relieve anxiety.

AFAC gym’s Spin and More classes combine the fun of spinning to music with circuit training exercises like weightlifting and balance drills. Leave your worries behind and burn off some anxiety by signing up for this unique spin class on our class schedule page or via MINDBODY.

At AFAC Gym, You Never Exercise Alone

If you’re looking for ways to improve your mental wellbeing, you’re not alone. According to the CDC, more than 50% of Americans are diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime, and 20% will experience mental illness in any given year. In addition, a person can struggle with their mental health without having a mental illness. If you have concerns about your mental health, please speak to a doctor or trusted friend or family member to get support.

The team at AFAC gym is also here to support you at any point during your fitness journey, which is one of the many reasons why we’re the best gym in Thornton, Colorado. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to assist you!

If you’re not a member of AFAC gym but would like to learn more about us, please stop by or give us a call. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or susan@adventurefitness.club for assistance.

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