12 Days of Christmas Workout at AFAC Gym

Christmas graphic with the words Merry Fitmas and a Happy New Rear

During the holiday season, you’ll hear “The 12 Days of Christmas” song playing everywhere, from grocery stores to TV commercials and maybe even at AFAC gym. Many of us know at least some of the lyrics by heart, whether we’re singing about the eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, or five golden rings.

For many fitness enthusiasts, the holidays aren’t complete without a fun 12 Days of Christmas workout. You can find many versions of this workout online, but in the spirit of the season, our Thornton gym has come up with our own 12 Days of Christmas workout for you to love (or love to hate!)

Read all about our 12 Days of Christmas workout in this blog and then feel free to give it a try at our gym near you. AFAC gym wishes you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday season!

How to Do the 12 Days of Christmas Workout at AFAC Gym

The concept behind the 12 Days of Christmas workout is simple enough. You just follow along with the song and can even have it playing in your earbuds to really feel the burn. Pause the song (and workout) as needed to set up for your next exercise.

To kick things off, we’ve listed the exercises below. To complete the workout, do one 20-second plank as the “first day of Christmas.” Then, do two burpees as the “second day of Christmas,” plus the 20-second plank. Follow that with three pushups, two burpees, and one 20-second plank. Keep going through all 12 exercises until you finish things off with a 12-minute run, jog, walk, climb, bike, or row and then work your way back up the list to finish the workout with one 20-second plank.

So that’s it. Exercise #1. Then exercises #2 and #1. Then exercises #3, #2, and #1. Then #4, #3, #2, #1, and so on, until the last round of 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Are you ready? Let’s begin! On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

  • 1 20-second plank
  • 2 burpees
  • 3 push ups
  • 4 glute bridges
  • 5 sit ups
  • 6 mountain climbers
  • 7 overhead kettlebell swings
  • 8 star jumps
  • 9 step ups
  • 10 lunges
  • 11 squats
  • 12 minute run, jog, walk, bike, climb, or row

Read on to learn a few more specifics about each of the exercises listed above.

Planking at AFAC Gym

Planks really fire up your core muscles, from your abdominals to your shoulders, chest, back, and hips. There are several variations of plank exercises, but to perform a common forearm plank, lie facedown on the floor and prop up your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your forearms on the ground with your hands straight ahead or folded together. Prop up your lower body on the balls of your feet so that your entire body is suspended off the ground in a flat, plank-like position. The only things holding up your body should be your forearms and the balls of your feet. Form is extremely important when planking, so make sure your body is flat. Avoid letting your body sag or bow at the hips. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

Burpees at AFAC Gym

The burpee combines a lot of exercises into one powerful, flowing movement that helps strengthen your upper body and legs. This exercise is also good for your cardiovascular fitness.

To perform a burpee, start by standing up with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drop straight down and put your hands on the floor. From there, kick your legs back to go into a push-up position. Do a push-up and then bring your legs back beneath your body so that you can end the exercise with a jump while lifting your hands and arms above your head. Land and begin the exercise again for a total of 2 reps.

Pushups at AFAC Gym

Pushups are a fundamental bodyweight exercise that you can do anywhere, and they’re very effective because you’re working many muscles at the same time. However, for pushups to give you the results you’re looking for, you need to do them properly.

First, get down on all fours and place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Straighten your arms and legs, suspending your body on the balls of your feet and your hands. For standard pushups, place your wrists in a nearly vertical line under your shoulders. Placing your hands at a wider position will work your chest more, and moving your hands closer will set the focus more on your triceps. Bend at your elbows to lower your upper body so that it nearly touches the floor. Avoid flaring out your elbows, as this places extra stress on your shoulders and can lead to injuries. Pause, push yourself back up, and repeat for a total of 3 pushups.

Glute Bridges at AFAC Gym

Glute bridges, also known as hip raises, target your glutes as well as your hamstrings and transverse abdominus. To perform a glute bridge, lie down on your back with your hands by your sides, knees bent, and your feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips up toward the ceiling and then lower back down to the ground. Foot position is important when performing glute bridges — make sure that, when your hips are raised, your knees are directly above your ankles.

Sit-ups at AFAC Gym

Sit-ups are one of the best exercises to target your abdominal muscles. They can be performed on a mat or on a decline bench, but it’s believed that decline bench sit-ups are more effective because the declined position provides more resistance than a flat surface like the floor. Plus, the decline bench will help keep your feet in place and the rest of your body in proper form throughout the exercise.

To perform a decline sit-up, lie down face-up on the bench with your knees over the upper pads and your feet hooked under the pads below. You can either cross your hands in front of you, or you can put your hands behind your head. Raise your upper body toward your legs until your body is at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Lower your body back down onto the bench. Keep your face parallel with the ceiling the entire time. Repeat for a total of 5 sit-ups.

Mountain Climbers at AFAC Gym

Mountain climbers ramp up your heart rate and also engage muscles in your legs, upper arms, and core. Start in a standard plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your arms straight, as if you’re about to do a pushup. Draw your right knee in toward your right elbow as far as you can without lifting your hips up. Kick your right leg back to the starting position and then draw your left knee toward your left elbow as far as you can without lifting your hips up. Return your left leg back to the starting position and continue alternating legs for a total of 6 times. The faster you go, the more your heart rate will increase.

Overhead Kettlebell Swings at AFAC Gym

The overhead kettlebell swing works your lower back, upper back, glutes, and hamstrings. Start with one kettlebell at a weight that’s appropriate for your fitness level. Stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed out slightly. Hold the kettlebell with two hands and bend your knees slightly. Hinge at the hips to push your bottom back (don’t go into a squat position), keep your back straight, and swing the kettlebell between your legs. Then, pop forward at the hips to straighten your body and swing the kettlebell straight overhead. Repeat the movement 7 times by swinging the kettlebell back between your knees and then overhead again, keeping your head up the entire time.

Star Jumps at AFAC Gym

Star jumps activate muscles all over your body including your glutes, quadriceps, hip flexors, core, and hamstrings. They also get your heart rate up to burn calories.

Start by squatting down low and placing your hands at your feet. From there, explode your body up into a star position with your hands and legs outstretched. Then land and get right back down into the crouching position. Repeat for a total of 8 star jumps by exploding up into a star and coming right back down. Make sure to keep your head up, back straight, and muscles tight.

Step Ups at AFAC Gym

Step ups work your legs and glutes without using any weights, but if you want to make the exercise harder, you can hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand.

First, find a platform or bench at the gym to use as a step. Ask a member of our staff if you need assistance. Stand in front of the step and place your right foot on it. Lift your body up and put your left foot on the step, too. Then, use your left foot to step down, followed by your right foot. Complete 9 repetitions and then repeat with the opposite side, stepping up with your left foot first.

Lunges at AFAC Gym

Lunges are one of the most effective lower-body exercises, and they also enhance your functional fitness. Start in a standing position with your right foot forward and your left foot behind you. Drop your body straight down. Your right knee should stay behind your toes, directly over the ankle so that your calf is at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Your left knee will also bend into a 90-degree angle so that your left calf is parallel to the floor. Do 5 repetitions on the right side and then switch to do 5 repetitions on the left side (or you can do 10 reps on each side if you’re feeling up to it!)

Squats at AFAC Gym

When you think about it, we squat all the time when we sit, do yard work, and pick things up off the ground, so doing squats as an exercise is a smart move to maintain functional fitness. To perform squats:

  1. Start by standing up with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  2. You can put your hands out in front of you for balance, or if you’d like to increase the intensity of the exercise, you can hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in each hand at the sides of your body.
  3. Keeping your chest up and your head looking forward, sit back as if you’re sitting in a chair. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your knees behind your toes.
  4. Return to a standing position and repeat for 11 total reps.

Run, Walk, Bike, Climb, or Row at AFAC Gym

The final exercise in our 12 Days of Christmas workout is to complete 12 minutes of cardio exercise on your favorite machine at AFAC gym. That could include:

Happy Holidays From All of Us at AFAC Gym!

Whether you decide to try this 12 Days of Christmas workout, or you’d rather focus on your regular strength training regimen, the entire team at AFAC gym wishes you and your family the happiest and healthiest of holidays. If there’s any way we can assist and support you during your fitness journey, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

If you’re not yet a member of Adventure Fitness Athletic Club but would like to know more about joining the best gym in Thornton, Colorado, please visit us or give us a call. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or susan@adventurefitness.club for assistance.

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