Man performing T-bench fly at AFAC gym

The Dumbbell T-Bench Fly Variation Lets You Go Heavier for Better Gains at the Gym

The fly is one of the most popular lifts for gym members who are trying to develop their chest muscles. And, while the standard fly is an effective move, there is a variation that can give you better, and safer, results.

It’s called the T-bench fly, and it helps develop the inner part of your chest while protecting your shoulder joints. To learn how to perform the T-bench fly at our Thornton gym, read this blog and we’ll give you all the details.

Woman with blue shirt lifted up to expose stomach, pinching her gut with one hand and holding barbell in the other

The Best Exercises at the Gym to Shrink Belly Fat

We’re all working toward different goals at the gym. Some of us are trying to lose weight, others are trying to build muscle, and many gym members are doing both at the same time! One of the most common goals for gym members is to reduce their stomach size and get that nice, flat tummy everyone admires. Lots of people struggle with extra belly fat and wonder, are there any specific exercises they can do at the gym to shrink their midsection fast?

If you’re looking to lose some belly fat, read this blog to learn about the best workouts you can do at our Thornton gym to help you achieve this goal as quickly as possible.

A piece of steak, cooked rare and cut to show center

February 27th Is National Protein Day! AFAC Gym Answers Common Questions About Protein

When it comes to nutrition, protein might be the most talked-about topic among gym members. With National Protein Day coming up on February 27th, AFAC gym decided to dig into the meat of the matter and answer some common questions that gym members have about consuming protein, including why, how much, when, and what types to eat.

In a nutshell, more than 10,000 types of protein can be found throughout your body, from your muscles and organs to your bones, soft tissues, hair, and skin. Protein is also used to keep your cells healthy, create new cells, fuel your body with energy, carry oxygen through your blood, and make antibodies to fight off illnesses.

Among all the roles that protein plays in the human body, most gym members are interested in how protein is used to build muscle. Read this blog to learn more about protein and how it can be part of a healthy diet that fuels your workouts at our Thornton gym.

Woman lifting a barbell at the gym

Why Women Should Lift Weights at AFAC Gym

Years ago, if you looked inside any gym in the country, you’d see a bunch of ripped, buff men pumping iron. Women, on the other hand, would often be found hitting the treadmills or in aerobics classes trying to burn calories and lose weight.

Thankfully, this stereotype has been slowly fading away. These days, more women are lifting weights at the gym, and we couldn’t be happier! Lifting weights comes with some surprising benefits that women can’t get from cardiovascular exercise alone, and there’s no reason for women to fear that lifting weights will make them bulky, muscle-bound, or masculine-looking.

As a matter of fact, lifting weights 2-3 times per week can help women lose weight, increase tone, prevent injuries, reduce stress, and so much more. Read this blog to learn about the many reasons why women should be lifting weights at our Thornton gym.

Female personal trainer works with man on leg machine at AFAC gym

Study Shows Working Out at the Gym Could Increase Lifespans

As members of Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, we all know that exercise is great for our health. But did you know that if Americans increased their physical activity for just 10 minutes per day, it could prevent over 110,000 deaths per year?

According to a recent study, it’s true – even a modest increase in exercise levels leads to a substantial decline in death rates. Read more about the study in this blog and learn about the many ways you can increase your exercise sessions at our Thornton gym.

Woman performing kettlebell windmill exercise at AFAC gym

Stretch, Stabilize, and Strengthen with Kettlebell Windmills at AFAC Gym

The kettlebell windmill offers you several benefits in one exercise. With the windmill, you can strengthen your shoulders, stabilize your core, stretch your hips, hamstrings, obliques, and more. Not only do you use these muscles in daily life, but you also depend on them as you run, jump, and lift weights. So, whether you want to improve your everyday strength and flexibility or sharpen your competitive edge, kettlebell windmills can help.

As effective as this exercise is, the kettlebell windmill is a complex movement that can be tricky to execute. Read this blog to learn how to master the kettlebell windmill at our Thornton gym.

Graphic showing drawing of man doing pullups and chinups

Chinups and Pullups at AFAC Gym

It’s amazing how a slight change in form can target completely different muscles when you’re exercising. One great example of this is chinups and pullups. While many people use the terms “chinup” and “pullup” interchangeably, they are actually two distinct exercises.

Whether you’re a beginning lifter or have been pumping iron for a while, chinups and pullups are fundamental exercises that should be a staple of your workout regimen at AFAC gym. Read this blog to learn more about the differences between chinups and pullups, what muscles they work, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into your fitness routine at our Thornton gym.

Carly and Susan from AFAC gym stand near the front desk

Everything You Want to Know About Etiquette at AFAC Gym

Joining a gym can be an exciting experience! You’re trying out equipment you’ve never used, meeting a lot of new people, and figuring out what classes you want to take (there are so many great ones to choose from!) You’ll start to get the hang of things after a few weeks, but you still might second-guess yourself about the gym’s policies and wonder, “Am I staying on this machine too long?” … “Am I allowed to talk on the phone?” … “Can I use two pieces of equipment at the same time?”

At AFAC gym, there’s nothing to worry about! Our team is here to answer all of your questions about gym etiquette. Read this blog to learn the basics about etiquette at our Thornton gym.

Young woman doing a step-up exercise at AFAC gym.

Step Up Your Workouts at AFAC Gym

Are you looking for a simple lower-body exercise that will give you super results? Say hello to step-ups! That’s right, just climbing up a step and coming back down fires up your leg and glute muscles in ways that can outshine classic lower body exercises like lunges and squats.

While it might seem like climbing the occasional flight of stairs is a good way to add step-ups to your daily exercise routine, it’s even better to do step-ups at the gym. That way, you can focus on form and add resistance to make your step-ups more targeted and effective. In this blog, we’ll discuss what step-ups are, the muscles they work, their benefits, and how to do step-ups at our Thornton gym.

Four women exercising at Power Plate Class at AFAC Gym

Get Good Vibes by Working Out on a Power Plate at AFAC Gym

Time. It’s the one thing that many of us never seem to have enough of. We’re always busy taking care of our families, friends, jobs, homes, and ourselves. As members of AFAC gym, we all do our best to squeeze workouts into our schedules, but even that can be difficult sometimes.

Thankfully, our Thornton gym offers many ways for members to get the most effective workouts, as quickly as possible. One of the top exercise timesavers at AFAC gym is our Power Plates. The flat surface of each Power Plate can vibrate up to 50 times per second. By performing typical bodyweight exercises on a Power Plate platform, your body will not only fight against regular gravity, but also against the micro vibrations. Independent studies have shown that working out on a Power Plate activates up to 138% more muscle fibers than a standard workout. This, in turn, burns up to 50% more calories. That means getting stronger and burning more calories doesn’t have to mean more hours at the gym! It can be as simple as doing your regular workout on a Power Plate. As a matter of fact, it’s claimed that 10 minutes of Power Plate training can provide the same results as 60 minutes of conventional strenuous training.

Read this blog to learn more about our Power Plate Classes with Jamie, as well as the benefits of using a Power Plate and exercises you can try at AFAC gym.

Photo of woman's legs behind barbell, she's bent down and her hands are on her knees

How to Start Strength Training at AFAC Gym

Have you been itching to start a strength training program at AFAC gym, but hesitate because you’ve never lifted a weight in your life? Don’t let that stop you! Regardless of your age or fitness level, it’s not too late to start strength training. And, no matter how old you are when you begin a strength training program, the benefits of this type of exercise are almost too numerous to count.

Strength training, also known as resistance training or weight training, can help you build lean, stronger muscles, keep your metabolism higher (which means you’ll burn more calories all day long, even when you’re resting), and bolster your bones and joints. At any age, strength training can improve psychological wellbeing, and, as we get older, it can help us maintain mobility, balance, coordination, and muscle mass in our bodies.

What’s more, there are many exercises that count as strength training. In addition to lifting free weights, strength training can also be achieved with bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, medicine balls, weightlifting machines, and other equipment at the gym. Don’t be afraid to mix it up! More variety in your strength training program will only help you become stronger.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to get started with a strength training program and the many ways our Thornton gym can lead you through this fitness journey.

Slices of watermelon with seeds

The Wonders of Eating Watermelon Before or After Your Workout at AFAC Gym

During the cold winter months, you might find yourself dreaming of hot summer days and eating a sweet, juicy piece of watermelon after your workout at the gym.

Watermelon is the ultimate cool-down treat during the dog days of summer, and it also comes with an impressive list of benefits that can keep you healthier and happier no matter what the weather is like outside.

The next time you’re craving a snack before or after your workout at our Thornton gym, consider the following reasons why eating watermelon is a wonderful way to quench your thirst, not only in the summertime, but all year long.

Susan Schaffner doing a high plank at AFAC gym

The Payoffs of Daily Planks at AFAC Gym

What looks like a simple exercise but is almost never easy? The plank!

The plank is a bodyweight exercise that you can do anywhere, whether you’re at our Thornton gym, at home, or even when you’re traveling. All you have to do is hold your body up on your hands and feet, as if you’re about to do a pushup. Sounds easy, right?

Sure, getting into the plank position is easy, and holding the plank position for a few seconds can be easy. But since planking is something that can be done indefinitely, the difficulty level can range from easy, 5-second planks to an excruciating exercise that leaves your entire body trembling.

It turns out, holding a plank is a seriously challenging workout that also comes with a serious list of benefits. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to perform a proper plank and the many benefits that this straightforward exercise offers when you do it every day.

Photo of man's arm with blood pressure cuff and nurse taking blood pressure reading

Preventing and Managing High Blood Pressure by Working Out at the Gym

When you go to the doctor for a checkup, what’s one of the first things they do? They put a cuff around your arm and read your blood pressure, of course. That’s because, when it comes to keeping tabs on your health, your blood pressure is a key indicator of how you’re doing.

If your blood pressure is too high, you won’t feel any different, but it could lead to serious conditions like heart disease and stroke — both of which are leading causes of death in the United States.

Thankfully, as long as it’s caught in time, high blood pressure is a treatable and manageable condition. One of the most common treatments for high blood pressure is exercise. That’s right — not only will exercising at the gym keep you strong and fit, but it can also help you to manage and prevent serious health conditions like high blood pressure.

Read this blog to learn more about what high blood pressure is and some exercises you can do at our Thornton gym to support healthier blood pressure readings.

White bathroom scale with yellow tape measure wrapped around the middle

How Exercising at the Gym Affects Metabolism and Weight Loss

With the start of every New Year, many of us resolve to lose weight. Whether we want to lose a few pounds or a few dozen, we look to January 1st as a day when we’ll commit to exercising more at the gym and eating less. After all, that’s the best way to lose weight, right? Eat less and exercise more?

It turns out, weight loss is a little more complicated than that. While exercising at our Thornton gym and eating fewer calories can lead to weight loss, there is one other factor in the equation – our metabolism.

What exactly is a metabolism, and how does it affect how much we weigh? Read this blog to learn more.

Graphic of person with inflamed knee and the words "Knee Pain"

Exercises You Can Do at the Gym to Help Relieve Knee Pain

Knee pain is one of the most common discomforts felt by Americans of all ages, and 25% of adults suffer with frequent knee pain that limits their function and mobility. Along with knee pain, people may also experience other symptoms like knee redness, swelling, stiffness, weakness, and instability. In addition, they might also hear popping or crunching noises coming from their knee joint or be unable to straighten their knee all the way.

In most cases, knee pain is caused by an injury, arthritis, or overuse. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in people age 50 and older. Among those with knee osteoarthritis, knee pain is a top reason why they decide to get knee replacement surgery.

While knee replacement surgery is often the best treatment for severe, debilitating knee pain, most people can find relief without surgery. One of the main nonsurgical treatments for knee pain is exercise. It almost seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? How could moving your knee more reduce the pain you feel? But it’s true, there are specific exercises you can do at our gym near you to relieve your knee pain and get back to your active lifestyle again.

In this blog, we’ll explore some exercises you can do at our Thornton gym to improve the flexibility and function of your sore knees.

Graphic with the words "Mental Health" in middle, surrounded by smaller words that describe physical health like body, exercise, and dieting

Which Gym Exercises Are Best for Mental Health?

You’ve probably heard that regular exercise offers many benefits for your mental health. In study after study, exercise has been shown to give people more energy throughout the day, a sharper memory, better sleep at night, a more positive attitude, and an overall sense of relaxation and well-being. As a matter of fact, doctors regularly prescribe exercise as a treatment for a variety of mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, ADHD, and stress.

While this is all great news for those of us who work out regularly at the gym, it begs the question, which exercises should I do to support my mental health? Research has shown that even modest amounts of any exercise, regardless of your age or fitness level, can be a powerful tool that improves mental health. In this blog, we’ll explore some specific brain-boosting exercises you can try at AFAC gym.

Christmas graphic with the words Merry Fitmas and a Happy New Rear

12 Days of Christmas Workout at AFAC Gym

During the holiday season, you’ll hear “The 12 Days of Christmas” song playing everywhere, from grocery stores to TV commercials and maybe even at AFAC gym. Many of us know at least some of the lyrics by heart, whether you’re singing about the eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, or five golden rings.

For many fitness enthusiasts, the holidays aren’t complete without a fun 12 Days of Christmas workout. You can find many versions of this workout online, but in the spirit of the season, our Thornton gym has come up with our own 12 Days of Christmas workout for you to love (or love to hate!)

Read all about our 12 Days of Christmas workout in this blog and then feel free to give it a try at our gym near you. AFAC gym wishes you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday season!

Female in white ski suit skiing down a slope

Moves You Can Do at AFAC Gym to Prepare for Ski Season

When those first layers of snow start to build up on the mountains and resorts begin to open, you know that ski season has finally arrived. But, even though you may have been keeping up with your regular workouts at AFAC gym, you might wonder, are you physically ready to spend hours on the slopes, day after day?

For many members of our Thornton gym, the answer is probably no, not quite. That’s why it’s important to train specifically for ski season about 6-8 weeks before hitting the hills.

No one wants to leave a ski vacation early because their legs couldn’t last, or worse yet, because they were injured. Ski injuries often occur because a muscle, joint, ligament, or tendon is asked to go beyond what it’s trained to do, leading to sprains, tears, and breaks. And, while you can’t prevent all ski injuries, you can help your body to be strong and adaptable to the unique movements of skiing before laying down fresh tracks.

In this blog, we’ll discuss a few moves that you can do at our gym near you to prepare for ski season. We hope your ski season is filled with fun and fresh powder!

Graphic with Santa Claus, a turkey, a jack-o-lantern, and text that says "I commit to stay fit through the holidays"

AFAC Gym Lists 10 Reasons to Stay Fit This Holiday Season

It’s official! The holiday season is in full swing with its non-stop schedule of shopping, decorating, gift wrapping, special events, family gatherings, and eating. During this incredibly busy time of year, it’s easy to let your gym workouts fall by the wayside.

Research shows, however, that once you stop exercising, de-training begins in just a few weeks. Instead of quitting your routine at our Thornton gym, it’s better to do maintenance workouts so that you don’t lose all the progress you’ve worked so hard to gain. Even if you reduce the time you spend at the gym for each session or cut back to one workout per week, that’s a lot better than stopping exercise altogether and then trying to make up for lost ground after the New Year begins.

In addition to maintaining your fitness and all the gains you’ve made, there are many other reasons why you should give yourself the gift of regular exercise during the holiday season. Read on to learn more.