Man working out with battle ropes at AFAC gym

Learn the Ropes With Battle Rope Workouts at AFAC Gym

Sometimes, the simplest tools will give us the most impressive results. This is the case with Battle Ropes. One of the newest fitness crazes is based on working out with thick, giant ropes that are very similar to ropes used throughout the centuries for a wide variety of reasons, including the tug-of-war games you played as a kid.

But it turns out that Battle Ropes can give you a muscle strengthening, high-intensity cardiovascular workout that’s also low-impact and can cater to any fitness level.

So, the next time you pass by the Battle Ropes at AFAC gym, stop for about 10 minutes and give them a whirl. Research shows that 10 minutes of intense rope training can give you an effective full-body workout that increases cardiovascular fitness. In this blog we’ll discuss several Battle Rope workouts that you can slam through at our gym in Thornton.

Cartoon of turkey running on a treadmill

AFAC Gym Wishes You a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at AFAC gym! We have so much to be grateful for, and are especially thankful for every member of our gym in Thornton. It is a pleasure to see you each day, working hard to achieve your goals. Thank you for being a part of our fitness family at AFAC gym.

To show our appreciation, we will be open on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon! Join us for Jamie’s Huff & Puff Before You Stuff Class from 8:30 to 9:30 to get your Thanksgiving Day started off on the right foot. Sign up on our class schedule page or through MINDBODY. We will resume regular gym hours the day after Thanksgiving on Friday, Nov. 26.

We know that the holidays can be a challenging time to keep on track with a diet and exercise program, but it’s possible to eat, drink, be merry, and stay fit — all at the same time. In this blog, we’ll discuss some ways you can keep your Thanksgiving healthy and happy.

American Heart Association logo

Heart Healthy News From AFAC Gym

As a member of AFAC gym, you workout regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While exercising at the gym is a big part of staying fit, it’s equally important to stick to a nutritious diet that gives your body what it needs to remain strong and fight disease.

Did you know that the No. 1 health issue facing men and women in the United States and worldwide is heart disease? That means keeping our hearts healthy should be a top priority for all of us. The good news is that most heart disease can be prevented by making healthy food choices.

On Nov. 2, 2021, the American Heart Association released updated dietary guidelines for the first time in 15 years. The advice is consistent with dietary guidelines from the federal government but puts more emphasis on watching our dietary patterns instead of eating specific foods or nutrients.

Read on to learn more about the American Heart Association’s updated advice and to discover other ways you can focus on heart health, including regular workouts at our gym near you.

Graphic with US flag and Thank You Veterans

Sweat for Your Favorite Vets at AFAC Gym

Every year on November 11th, the United States celebrates Veterans Day. This federal holiday honors the brave men and women who have served in any branch of our nation’s armed forces — military, naval, air, or space.

This November 11th, everyone at our gym in Thornton is remembering Veterans Day with an abundance of gratitude. To all those who have served, and to those who continue to serve our country, Happy Veterans Day from AFAC gym! There is no way to thank you and your loved ones for everything you’ve sacrificed for our freedom, but on Veterans Day, we have to try. Veterans, we salute you! From our hearts to yours, thank you for all you do to protect our citizens, our country, and our way of life.

Who is your favorite veteran? Whether they’re a family member, friend, or famous vet you admire, we challenge you to remember them by completing a special workout in their honor. Read on to learn how you can sweat for a vet at our gym near you.

Man and woman Nordic Walking on snowy trail

Winter Wonderland Workouts at AFAC Gym

As the winter weather blows into the Thornton area, it might be tempting to skip your gym workouts and curl up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate instead. But, even though your comfy couch is calling your name, it’s important to keep moving all winter long. Your regular gym workouts will help you stay in shape for the spring, ward of colds and flus, burn off those holiday calories, and keep you mentally happy even though you miss the balmy days of summer.

The good news is, while it seems like the rest of the world has gone into hibernation, our Thornton gym is open and ready to support you during your fitness journey. That means you can still enjoy all your favorite exercises and classes that you love throughout the year.

So brave those chilly winds and snow-covered hills to make your way to our gym near you for a great workout! Read on for some winter workout ideas that you can try at AFAC gym.

Black and orange Halloween workouts graphic with spider's web

Healthy Halloween Workout Ideas From AFAC Gym

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to stick to healthy habits, holidays like Halloween have us raiding our kids’ spoils for a few too many sweets. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with splurging for special occasions! When you feel like maybe you’ve overindulged in treats, the trick is — don’t beat yourself up, simply get back on the horse and keep galloping toward your fitness goals.

If you’re ready to burn off those fun size candy bars, AFAC gym is here to help. Whether you want to work out at our gym near you, hit a local trail, or exercise at home, read on for some not-so-spooky exercise ideas. There’s no need to fear for your waistline when you have our Thornton gym here to support you!

General Manager Mike May and Owner Susan Schaffner

Find the Support and Encouragement You Need at AFAC Gym

At Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, our goal is to give our gym members the very best equipment, staff, and workout opportunities available in the Thornton area. On top of that, we are also proud of the support and encouragement we provide to everyone at our gym, regardless of their age or ability. Whether you work out on your own, join one of our awesome classes, or schedule a private session with one of our personal trainers, everyone at AFAC is here to assist and cheer you on, every step of the way.

A lot of gyms near you don’t offer this level of support, and this is one of the benefits that sets AFAC apart from the rest. Read on to learn more about how our Thornton gym creates a positive environment where you are not just a member, but also an important part of our fitness family.

Tabata class with several participants inside AFAC gym

Try Tabata on Tuesdays at AFAC Gym

If you’re looking for a new exercise class that will help you crush your fitness goals, you may want to give Tabata a try! At AFAC gym, classes are held every Tuesday from 4:15 to 5:00 pm. All fitness levels are welcome!

You can sign up for our weekly Tabata class by going to our class schedule page, or you can also register through MINDBODY. Non-members can even join for a $10 per-class fee. If you have any questions about Tabata or any other classes at our gym in Thornton, feel free to speak to a member of our team for assistance.

Tabata is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that you won’t find at many other gyms near you. It’s a great way to get a quick, effective workout that will burn fat, increase your cardiovascular fitness, and build strength.

QR code you can scan to leave a Google review for AFAC gym

How to Leave a Positive Google Review for AFAC Gym

Why do you enjoy working out at AFAC gym? Is it our fantastic selection of top-of-the-line exercise equipment? Or the fact that you never have to wait in line to work out? How about our friendly, supportive atmosphere where everyone treats you like family? Or perhaps it’s our full schedule of exercise classes? Or our therapeutic cryotherapy chamber that you can’t find at any other gyms near you?

Whatever your reasons are for loving AFAC gym, we hope you will tell us all about it by leaving a positive 5-star Google review. Simply scan in one of the QR codes posted throughout our gym in Thornton with your smart phone and you’ll be directed to our Google page where you can write your review. It’s that easy!

Read on for some tips on how to write a great review for our gym near you. We truly appreciate your kind words and support!

Woman wearing jeans eating watermelon in her lap with spoon

Hydrating Fruits You Can Eat Before and After Your Workout at AFAC Gym

Now that the weather is getting cooler in the Thornton area, people tend to drink less water, which means they can become dehydrated easier than they do during warmer months. Just because it’s fall doesn’t mean your water consumption should drop along with the thermostat! Proper hydration is important all year long — especially before, during, and after your workouts at our gym in Thornton, to maximize your performance and help your body recover from strenuous exercise.

If a cold drink of water just doesn’t appeal to you, there are other ways to hydrate that are just as healthy (or even healthier). A prime example of this is hydrating through eating fruit and other foods with a high-water content. Keep reading to learn about how grabbing a juicy piece of fruit can help you hydrate whether you’re ready to exercise at our gym near you or any other time you feel thirsty.

Group of ladies at the gym doing TRX training

Getting Results From Your Workouts at AFAC Gym

No one goes to the gym for mediocre results. With every rep, every minute on the treadmill, every drop of sweat, every sore muscle, you’re hoping to get 100% out of your workouts.

While it may seem counterintuitive, getting the results you want at our gym in Thornton isn’t necessarily based on the amount of time you spend here (although we always love to see your smiling face!) It’s also about how you spend your time at the gym and even outside the gym. Whether you’re here to become stronger, lose weight, look more toned, or compete in a bodybuilding contest, read on to learn a few tips about how to receive the biggest return on your investment at our gym near you.

Graphic of man's silhouette running to the right with heartbeat line in red in background

Craving Cardiovascular Exercise? AFAC Gym Has You Covered

There’s something about cardiovascular exercise that makes you feel good. Your heart beats faster, your lungs expand, and you breathe deeper. After a while, you feel more energized and alive. By the time you’re done, almost invincible.

Cardiovascular exercise — also known as cardio, aerobic exercise, or endurance exercise — is any activity that relies heavily on oxygen to produce the energy needed to sustain the activity. In addition to giving you a “high,” regular cardiovascular exercise improves many aspects of health including heart, lung, and circulatory performance, mental health, weight regulation, mood, and sleep.

Whether you get your cardio at our gym in Thornton or outside on the open road, it’s important to fit in a certain amount every week. Read on to learn more about what cardiovascular exercise is, how much is recommended for the average person, what its benefits are, and the many ways our gym near you can help you get all the cardio you need.

Three people training with large tires outside AFAC gym

Travel Miles Ahead on Your Fitness Journey With Tire Training at AFAC Gym

You already know that tires make your car move, but did you know that tire training can get your body moving, too? That’s right, something as basic as a tire offers you a ton of different workout variations that increase your strength, speed, agility, and cardiovascular fitness.

In addition to a full range of traditional gym equipment, Adventure Fitness Athletic Club also has tires and sledgehammers available to our members so that they can participate in this unique method of strength and conditioning training. Read on to learn about exercising with tires at our gym in Thornton, some sample workouts to try, and the benefits of this surprisingly effective bodybuilding tool.

Woman doing sit-ups on the floor

Is the Secret to 6-Pack Abs at a Gym Near Me?

One of the most common questions asked of personal trainers at the gym is, “How do I get 6-pack abs?”

It’s an understandable question, since strong, defined abdominal muscles can boost your physical health, mental health, appearance, and confidence. However, getting that defined 6-pack look takes more than performing a specific set of exercises. Much of the battle is also fought in the way you eat, because even if you do 1,000 crunches per day, your abdominal muscles can remain hidden underneath a layer of belly fat.

In this blog, we’ll discuss what it takes to achieve 6-pack abs and the exercises you can do at AFAC’s gym in Thornton to help you along this fitness journey.

Photo of woman in blue sneakers walking through fallen leaves

Fall Into Fitness as Autumn Begins at AFAC Gym

The first day of Autumn is September 22nd, a time of year when we all love to go outside, breathe in the crisp air, and admire Colorado’s spectacular fall foliage. It’s the perfect season to exercise by walking, hiking, or biking outdoors while you take in the scenery. As you enjoy hearing the leaves crunching under your feet, however, you know it won’t be long before the weather turns iffy, which means your outdoor workouts will need to go into hibernation for a while.

Adventure Fitness Athletic Club is here to help you stay on track with your workouts all year long. Head on over to our Thornton gym to discover the many ways you can make the most of the season and greet the holidays in super shape.

Front entrance of Adventure Fitness Athletic Club gym

How Is AFAC Different From Other Gyms Near Me?

Whether you’re a member of Adventure Fitness Athletic Club or you’re new the Thornton area and looking for a gym to join, you might wonder, “How AFAC is different than any of the other gyms near me?”

While a lot of people think that all gyms are basically the same, we know that AFAC is unique in many ways. Read this blog to discover why Adventure Fitness Athletic Club stands out in the crowd among all the other gyms near you.

Woman riding an upright bike at AFAC gym

Ramp Up Your Cardio Workouts With Upright Cycling at AFAC Gym

One of the most popular cardiovascular workouts at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club is upright cycling. An effective way to burn calories and strengthen your heart, lungs, and lower body, upright cycling also provides a low-impact workout that won’t put undue stress on your joints.

If you’re looking for a gym near you that offers every indoor cycling option available—including state-of-the-art upright bikes—please join us at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club. Read on to learn about all the benefits of upright bikes and how they compare to other stationary bikes at our Thornton gym.

Exercise and Mental Health graphic with a cartoon of a brain lifting a barbell

How Exercising at AFAC Gym Can Boost Your Mental and Physical Health

When most people exercise at the gym, they do so to improve their physical health. A planned and structured exercise program is designed to achieve a variety of physical fitness goals like a stronger heart and lungs, more toned and sculpted muscles, a better physique, improved balance and range of motion, and enhanced flexibility.

But did you know that exercising at AFAC gym can benefit your brain just as much as your body? Read on to learn more about the connection between exercise and a healthy mind, and some of the workouts you can join at our gym near you to support your physical and mental health.

Barbells at AFAC gym

The Benefits of Strength Training at AFAC Gym

At Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, everyone has their own unique fitness goals. Some of us want to reduce body fat, others want to increase muscle mass, and still others want to burn calories and lose weight. Many of our gym members seek to improve their mobility as they age and manage chronic health conditions. A few of us want to achieve all of the above and more!

Regardless, strength training should be a key component of everyone’s fitness program, as it supports almost every other health objective you can think of. That’s why our Thornton gym offers a wide array of strength training options so that members have many ways to incorporate this important exercise category into their regimen.

Read on to learn about the benefits of strength training and how you can make it a part of your regular workouts at our gym near you.

Four photos of young girl climbing indoor cave at AFAC gym

Autumn Is Coming! Don’t Forget Our Indoor Climbing Cave at AFAC Gym

At AFAC, we’re surrounded by outdoor rock-climbing opportunities, and many members of our Thornton gym have experienced the benefits of this thrilling activity first-hand. From the calorie-burning, full-body workout to the improved flexibility, balance, and cardio fitness, the advantages of rock climbing can’t be overstated.

One potential downside of outdoor rock climbing, however, is how inclement weather can make your adventure a little too hazardous (if not impossible). Now that we’re entering the fall season, rock climbing fans will be hanging up their shoes for a few months instead of risking a climb on slippery snow- and ice-covered cliffs.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a gym near you with an indoor climbing cave where you could still take part in your favorite activity, even during the fall and winter? If you’re a member of AFAC gym, your wish has been granted! Our full-service gym is one of the few in Thornton with an indoor climbing cave and a double auto-belay climbing wall, allowing our members to climb to their heart’s content all year long.