Healthy Halloween Workout Ideas From AFAC Gym

Black and orange Halloween workouts graphic with spider's web

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to stick to healthy habits, holidays like Halloween have us raiding our kids’ spoils for a few too many sweets. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with splurging for special occasions! When you feel like maybe you’ve overindulged in treats, the trick is — don’t beat yourself up, simply get back on the horse and keep galloping toward your fitness goals.

If you’re ready to burn off those fun size candy bars, AFAC gym is here to help. Whether you want to work out at our gym near you, hit a local trail, or exercise at home, read on for some not-so-spooky exercise ideas. There’s no need to fear for your waistline when you have our Thornton gym here to support you!

Halloween-Themed Workouts You Can Do at the Gym

Happy Halloween, everybody! After the costume parties and trick or treating, it’s time to scare our bodies into shape. Here are a few workouts you can try at AFAC gym to get you back into the spirit of fitness.


This workout with the naturally scary name builds strength in your legs, glutes, core, upper back, and shoulders. To perform a deadlift, stand in front of a barbell with your feet hip-width apart. Squat down, keeping your hips above your knees, and grip the bar as hard as you can with your hands slightly wider apart than your knees. Keeping your back straight and neck in a neutral position, push through your heels and lift the barbell, straightening your knees and then reverse-hinging at your hips. Hold the weight for a second at the top, then return the weight to the floor by bending your knees slightly and pushing your hips back. Make sure to keep your spine neutral and maintain the natural inward curvature of your lower spine. Do not round your back at any point during deadlifts, as this can cause a back injury. Repeat for as many reps as desired.

Skull Crushers

This workout is not as terrifying as it sounds! It’s designed to target your triceps and can be performed either with two dumbbells or a barbell. Lie flat on a bench while holding a barbell or two dumbbells in front of you with both hands, and your arms extended. Slowly lower the weight(s) back toward your head, creating a right angle with your elbow, and then extend the weight(s) back upward using only your triceps. Repeat for the desired number of reps.


It’s time to gather wood to put under the boiling kettle of witch’s brew, so what better way to practice than with the woodchops workout? This exercise targets everyone’s favorite, the abs. To perform woodchoppers, you’re going to lift a dumbbell up over one shoulder, and then lower the dumbbell across your body diagonally to the other side of your body, as if you’re using an ax to chop down a tree.  Here’s how it works:

  1. Grab a dumbbell with both hands, either by the ends of the dumbbell or by the bar.
  2. Begin with a stance where your feet are just outside of shoulder width.
  3. Contract your abs and raise the dumbbell over one shoulder with your arms extended. Raise your opposite heel and briefly twist that foot into the motion.
  4. As you lower the dumbbell across your body, return to standing flat on both feet, bend your knees, twist your torso, and move the dumbbell across your body down to the opposite foot.
  5. Do not round your back — focus on keeping your back flat.
  6. Raise the dumbbell back to the starting position.
  7. Complete the reps on one side, then repeat with the other side.

The Slasher

For those of us who got spooked by watching too many slasher movies, we present, The Slasher workout. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a 5-pound dumbbell in your left hand. Extend your left hand overhead while aligning your wrist directly above your left shoulder. Simultaneously step back with your left foot and lower your left arm directly in front of you. Bend at both knees to perform a reverse lunge while lowering your dumbbell toward the ground. Reverse the movement, returning the left foot and arm back to the starting position. Perform 12-15 reps and then reverse sides for 12-15 more reps.

Monster Walking

Grab a short resistance band and put it around your knees. Walk forward, backward, and sideways to get a good leg workout. To kick this exercise up a notch, carry a kettlebell in each hand while you’re at it.

The Fly

Who can forget this flick that tells the story of a man who slowly turns into a fly? Thankfully, this exercise is not nearly as terrifying. Get a couple dumbbells and hold one in each hand. Lie face-up on a flat bench with both feet flat on the ground. Hold the dumbbells directly above your body, over the lower part of your chest. Keep your wrists straight, but make sure there’s a slight bend in your elbows to prevent strain or injury. Lower your arms to your sides until your elbows barely dip under your back. Then, bring the weight right back up to above your lower chest. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Spider Crawl

Have you ever wanted to crawl up a wall, just like a spider? At AFAC gym, you can thanks to our indoor rock climbing cave and double auto-belay climbing wall. You won’t need eight legs to accomplish your maneuvers, and you can even pretend that the auto-belay rope is a thin yet strong piece of silk holding you up.

Walk the Plank

There’s no need to fear Salazar’s Ghost Army with this exercise! This variation on the plank will take you to the edge of the ship’s plank and back while working the muscles of your core and upper body. Start in a forearm plank position with your elbows under your shoulders, your forearms on the ground, your feet hip-width apart, and your toes holding up your legs. Begin “walking” by moving your right elbow and left foot forward, followed by your left elbow and right foot. This is one “step.” Take three “steps” forward and then press yourself up onto your hands, leading with your right arm, as if you’re peering over the edge of an imaginary plank. Lower yourself back down onto your elbows and forearms and reverse the exercise, “walking” backward for a total of three “steps.” Press yourself up onto your hands again, this time leading with your left arm. Repeat for as many reps as desired.

Coffin Sit-ups

For an exercise that builds core strength and your six-pack muscles, these coffin sit-ups will make you feel like you’re raising the dead. First, find an incline bench at AFAC gym and set the angle between 30 and 45 degrees. (The higher the angle, the harder the sit-ups will feel.) Lie down face-up on the incline bench with your head on the lower side of the bench. Bend your knees over the pads and hook your feet under the foot brace below. Fold your arms in front of you, as if you’re laying in a coffin. Raise your upper body from the bench by bending at your waist and hips, until your upper body is completely vertical. Keep your abs tightened and your back straight. Then, lower yourself down slowly until the back of your shoulders touches the bench. Continue to keep your back straight and your abs tight. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Try to do three sets of 10 reps each.

As you get better with this exercise, you can challenge yourself by increasing the incline by 5 to 10 degrees. You can also hold a weight plate (the kind you use on bench press bars) against your chest with your arms crossed over it.

Escape the Zombies

What is rule Number One for escaping the wrath of zombies? Cardio! That’s right, for being the walking dead, zombies are surprisingly fast, so you have to get your heart pumping and lungs breathing for maximum zombie fleeing potential. There are many ways to increase your cardiovascular fitness both inside and outside the gym, including but not limited to:

You’ll Have a Frightfully Good Time at AFAC Gym

After the ghosts and goblins have wreaked havoc around Thornton with their tricks and treats, you can find a safe oasis at AFAC gym, where our staff and personal trainers are here to help you offset any ghoulish goodies you might have wolfed down. We know there are many gyms near you to choose from, and AFAC is thrilled that you’ve decided we’re the best gym to meet your needs.

To learn more about our gym and how to become a member, please stop by or call to speak to a member of our staff. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or for assistance.

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