Resistance Bands vs. Weights at AFAC Gym – Which Is Better?

Standing woman in blue t-shirt and black shorts smiling and working out with a resistance band at AFAC gym

As a gym member, you might have wondered whether resistance bands can provide you with the same workout benefits as free weights or weight machines. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll discuss the nuances of resistance bands vs. weightlifting, exploring the unique advantages and potential drawbacks of each, and how they can contribute to your fitness goals. You’ll find out that comparing these two different strength training options is not that far of a stretch!

Let’s unravel the mysteries behind resistance bands and weights, and discover which avenue best suits your fitness aspirations at AFAC gym in Thornton, CO.

Defining Resistance Bands and Weights at the Gym

As we compare resistance bands and weights, first it will help to define these two strength training options.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are lightweight tools that provide elasticity as resistance while you exercise. They’ve been a fitness staple since the early 20th century. While resistance bands were used for rehab at first, people with damaged muscles found solace in the bands’ gentle strength-building abilities.

Today, these versatile bands cater to both physical therapy sessions and general muscle strengthening workouts. Diverse in types and color-coded to signify resistance levels, resistance bands offer a spectrum of workout options. A few types of resistance bands include:

  • Therapy bands, designed for rehabilitation, lack handles and boast a flat surface.
  • Compact resistance bands, also known as “fit tube” bands, feature plastic handles and serve various upper and lower body training purposes.
  • Fit loop bands, forming a continuous loop, allow you to focus on strengthening the lower body.
  • Figure 8 bands, shaped like their namesake, help enhance upper body strength.
  • Ring resistance bands, with soft handles, are used to target the lower body through unique exercises.
  • Lateral resistance bands, equipped with Velcro cuffs, are typically used to concentrate on the hips and thighs.
  • Pull up bands, or pull-up assist bands, aid individuals in mastering the challenging pull-up exercise.

Resistance bands come in a variety of colors that indicate their respective levels of resistance, providing users with flexibility and choice in their workouts. The color code can vary between brands, so make sure to speak with a personal trainer at our gym to understand which bands are best for your fitness level. Generally speaking, though, the thicker the band, the greater the resistance.


You’ll find an almost endless variety of weightlifting options at our gym. The common denominator between these options is that you’re working against gravity to move a load, whether you’re raising, lowering, pulling, pushing, or carrying it.

A few examples of weights you can use at our gym include:

Can Resistance Bands at the Gym Make Me Stronger?

The answer to this question is, yes! While it’s common for gym members to view resistance bands as a less-effective way to build strength at the gym compared to weightlifting, this is not necessarily true.

Several studies say that you don’t need to dedicate extended hours at the gym lifting traditional weights to build muscle. According to research in the journal SAGE Open Medicine, resistance band training can yield comparable strength gains to conventional resistance training. Additionally, a separate analysis featured in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics demonstrated the effectiveness of elastic resistance training in enhancing muscle strength among both healthy and less healthy elderly participants.

However, the outcomes vary when it comes to compound exercises. A study published in the European Journal of Sport Science revealed that resistance bands were effective for pulldowns, unilateral rows, and stiff-legged deadlifts, but traditional weights proved superior for squats.

What Are the Advantages of Using Resistance Bands?

Resistance bands are the unsung heroes of muscle building and strength training. These unassuming, elastic wonders offer a versatile and effective alternative to conventional weightlifting. Whether you’re a gym veteran looking for a convenient workout solution or someone exploring new avenues of strength training, resistance bands open the door to a world of possibilities, promising a dynamic and impactful exercise experience. Resistance bands provide the following benefits:

Prehab and Rehab Support

Resistance bands shine as effective tools for both prehabilitation and rehabilitation. Their gentleness on joints makes them ideal for warm-ups and recovering from injuries, providing a supportive and low-impact option for those seeking joint-friendly exercises. Widely utilized in rehabilitation exercises, resistance bands excel in targeting small and larger muscle groups like quads, glutes, and delts. This dual focus contributes significantly to overall muscle strength, stability, and mobility during the recovery process.

Versatility in Movements

Whether you’re into curls, squats, or presses, resistance bands have your back. They can seamlessly support many movements typically performed with free weights, offering a comprehensive workout experience without the need for heavy equipment.

Joint-Friendliness with Lower Injury Risk

Unlike free weights, resistance bands naturally limit joint overextension, significantly reducing the risk of injury. The controlled elastic tension not only ensures a safer range of motion but also eliminates concerns about dropping heavy weights, making them a gentler choice for workouts.

They’re Perfect for Learning New Workouts

Trainers recommend band-assisted exercises for mastering challenging workouts while maintaining proper form effortlessly. For example, using resistance bands as support for pull-ups allows users to offload weight gradually, facilitating the learning process for exercises.

Dynamic Warm-Ups

Incorporating resistance bands into warm-up routines is a smart move. By targeting small muscle groups, they prepare the body for more intense strength training workouts, enhancing flexibility and reducing the risk of injuries associated with cold muscles.

Strength Building for Beginners

Despite their lighter weight compared to traditional weights, resistance bands are formidable in building muscle strength over time. This makes them an excellent choice for beginners entering the realm of strength training, providing a gradual yet effective path to increased muscle power.

What Are the Advantages of Using Weights?

Embracing the timeless tradition of strength training with weights unveils a plethora of transformative benefits. The resistance provided by weights not only promotes muscle growth but also enhances bone density, fostering overall skeletal health. Furthermore, the progressive nature of weightlifting empowers you to continually challenge and elevate your strength limits, supporting long-term growth. As you embrace the rhythmic clink of iron, the benefits extend beyond the physical, positively influencing mental well-being and instilling a sense of accomplishment.

Clear Progress Tracking

Unlike resistance bands, free weights offer a straightforward advantage by allowing you to clearly keep track of the amount of weight you’re lifting. This facilitates systematic progress tracking, so you can easily monitor and measure your advancements over time.

Objective Measurement for Progressive Overload

For those striving to increase their lifting capacity, weights provide a distinct advantage. The clearly defined weight amount makes it easier to objectively track progressive overload, a key element in developing muscle strength. This clarity contrasts with the ambiguity often associated with resistance bands labeled merely as “heavy.” Weights enable lifters to make specific and controlled adjustments as they strive to challenge and strengthen their muscles over time.

Efficient Muscle Building

When aiming for rapid muscle growth, the ability to increase weight is essential. Weights provide a broader resistance range, allowing lifters to maximize their strength gains more effectively compared to the limitations of resistance bands.

Compatibility with Common Movement Patterns

Weights align seamlessly with the common movement patterns of strength training: push, pull, squat, hinge, lunge, and carry. While resistance bands can be effective, they fall short in fully replicating the resistance and benefits associated with these fundamental movements.

Comprehensive Strength Development

If your primary goal is to gain muscular strength, weightlifting emerges as the obvious choice. While resistance bands have their place for accessory work, weights, particularly barbells and heavier plates, take center stage in a robust strength-based program.

The benefits of lifting weights extend beyond mere muscle growth, encompassing precise tracking, objective overload measurement, and compatibility with fundamental movement patterns crucial for a well-rounded strength training experience.

Choosing the Right Tools for Your Strength Training Program at AFAC Gym

In the realm of strength training, the debate between resistance bands and weights will continue. However, why limit yourself to an either-or scenario when you can seamlessly integrate both into your fitness journey?

Resistance bands prove invaluable for accessory work, warm-ups, and mobility. On the flip side, weightlifting offers unparalleled benefits for seasoned lifters striving for substantial strength gains. The beauty lies in the synergy of combining the two—performing squats, bicep curls, shoulder presses, deadlifts, and countless other exercises with both weights and resistance bands. This dynamic duo not only diversifies your training but also delivers a unique blend of constant tension and varied resistance.

Remember, the key is consistency and impeccable form, regardless of your chosen equipment. So, whether you choose to “pump elastic” or “pump iron,” or even better, incorporate both, the irresistible fitness benefits await. It’s not about picking sides; it’s about embracing the best of both worlds for a well-rounded and effective fitness regimen.

Are you in search of a gym that will help you design an effective strength training program designed by a credentialed personal trainer? If so, we hope you will contact a member of our team. AFAC gym is committed to supporting your health and wellness efforts, so you’ll see the results you’re working so hard for. That’s why we’re the best gym in Thornton, Colorado, with hundreds of 5-star reviews.

To learn more about our top-rated gym and our incredible array of strength training and cardio equipment — as well as our unique offerings and amenities like daily group classes, cryotherapy, hydro massage, and our rock climbing wall and cave — we hope you will contact us or visit for a personalized tour. Our team will be happy to help you. For more information and assistance, you can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or