When the Last Thing You Want to Do Is Go to the Gym

Close up of scissors cutting a piece of paper that says "I can't do it" to change it to "I can do it"

Well, here we are, already several weeks into the New Year. In January, many of us found ourselves with a fresh passion to live healthier and more active lifestyles. We resolved to eat better, get more sleep, and go to the gym every day to reach our fitness goals.

As the weeks go by, however, it’s completely natural to lose a little of that fitness enthusiasm we had at the beginning of the year. Life gets busy, it’s cold outside, and we feel too tired or overwhelmed to work out. Exercise becomes yet another item to check off our long to-do list, and it’s almost too easy to skip sometimes.

Don’t give up, though! Even the most diehard fitness fans struggle with motivation sometimes. You just need to find ways to get over the hump and inspired to move again. If you’re looking for some ideas to recharge your excitement for exercise at our Thornton gym, read this blog!

Find Joy in Going to the Gym

Usually, the main purpose of going to the gym is to become more fit, right? But you can also look at physical fitness as a fringe benefit of exercise, rather than the motivating factor itself. Instead of seeing the gym as another chore you need to complete to be healthier, think of your gym time as a recess from life. It’s your mini vacation from work and responsibilities. Exercising at AFAC gym is a wonderful way to:

  • Enjoy your favorite music
  • Listen to an interesting podcast or audiobook
  • Clear your mind from the day’s events
  • Connect with people and make friends, especially if you participate in fitness classes
  • Move in ways you really love like dancing, climbing, yoga, or riding an ElliptiGO
  • Start a strength training program to build muscle so you’ll be more independent and avoid injuries as you age
  • Improve your mood and mental outlook

Make Going to the Gym a Priority

The number one reason that people give for not going to the gym is not having enough time. The only way to find enough time, however, is to make going to the gym a priority in your schedule. If it’s optional, you’ll give yourself permission to skip it. Try thinking of working out as an essential part of your job. Whether you’re a business owner, manager, parent, teacher, writer, doctor, lawyer, therapist, or receptionist, exercise will make you better at what you do. It will improve your energy and help you stay calm and focused in all other areas of your life.

Go to the Gym Early in the Morning

Speaking of making your gym visit a priority, a lot of people accomplish this by exercising first thing in the morning. Not only does that make exercise the first item on their agenda for the day, but it also allows them to go to the gym at a time when not much else is going on. If you plan your gym visit in the afternoon or evening, you might find yourself distracted by get togethers, work projects, dinners, or TV shows.

By getting up early in the morning and heading to the gym first thing, you’ll also avoid the 8-10 hours of time that you might talk yourself out of going. If you wait until later, you might also be too tired to go. Waking up early and going to the gym might be a tough habit to establish at first, but once you do, you’ll love yourself for it.

Be Flexible with Your Gym Schedule

Just because going to the gym is a priority, it doesn’t mean you have to go at the same time every single day. A study at Google found that giving yourself flexibility to meet your gym goals might boost your chances of sticking to a regular exercise program. In the study, researchers followed more than 2,500 Google employees. Some were paid to go to the gym during a specific window of time that they selected in advance as best for them, while the others could go to the gym anytime.

The researchers had expected that the people who committed to a specific time would form stronger gym habits, but surprisingly, the people who were given flexibility to go to the gym anytime ended up going more often after the study ended. It turned out, when the group with the rigid gym schedules missed their planned workout, they didn’t go to the gym at all. On the other hand, the flexible group had learned how to find gym time later, even if their original gym time fell through.

Get Support at the Gym

One of the best fitness motivators is a workout buddy who will hold you accountable to show up and support you even when you don’t. Studies have also found that people who feel like they’re a part of a gym community were strongly motivated to go and see their fellow fitness friends at the gym. Nothing beats the laughs, high fives, and words of encouragement that you get from your gym pals. When you receive ongoing support from your gym’s staff and classmates, you go not because you want to, but because you are drawn in by the group. Everyone at AFAC gym is here to be your biggest cheerleader and we always welcome you to join us!

Anticipate How Great Going to the Gym Will Make You Feel

It’s normal to think about being too tired or stressed out to exercise, but often, working out at the gym is exactly what you need to feel better. So, instead of waiting to feel good to go to the gym, go to the gym so that you feel great afterward! Studies have shown time and again that exercise eases the symptoms of depression and anxiety, takes your mind off your troubles, and makes you feel more confident. You know the old saying – you’ll never regret going to the gym!

Reward Yourself for Going to the Gym

While exercise comes with its own wonderful rewards like better health and weight loss, some people need more immediate and tangible bonuses for going to the gym. Make an agreement with yourself that if you go to the gym for a certain period of time — twice per week for two months, for example — you will get a reward like a new outfit you’ve always wanted, a massage, tickets to a ball game, or a cool pair of kicks.

If you need a reward more often, you can treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or protein bar after a workout, or watch an episode of a show you love.

Over time, your motivation for going to the gym will be the surge of endorphins that give you a “I feel amazing!!!” rush after a sweat session. Once your brain understands that the workout itself is the reward, you won’t even need the treat anymore.

Keep Track of Your Progress at the Gym

Nothing is as motivating as seeing your own progress after going to the gym. Whether you’ve lost weight, increased the amount of weight you can lift, or achieved the summer body you’ve always wanted, make sure to keep track of your progress as you exercise. It can be as simple as taking photos every few weeks and comparing them, or getting more specific measurements through regular body composition assessments at AFAC gym.

Dress Up for the Gym, Even if You Don’t Feel Like it

Research has shown that our brains are susceptible to “enclothed cognition,” which means that if you dress for a part, you will feel more motivated to complete a task. So, if you dress to work out, you’re far more likely to head out the door and go to the gym. Slipping on that sweatshirt or those yoga pants could be just the push you need to get your workout done.

Change Up Your Gym Routine

Even if you’re a creature of habit, repeating the same workouts over and over at the gym can become monotonous. To avoid boredom and make yourself more excited to go to the gym, try out different workouts occasionally. For example, if you’ve always done your cardio at AFAC gym on an elliptical or treadmill, try our spin bikes, StairMaster, VersaClimber, Jacobs Ladder, or rowing machines. Or, instead of doing your flys on a machine, try a T-Bench fly variation. By switching things up, you’ll keep your mind intrigued and your body will get a more complete workout. You can always return to your routine at any time you want to!

Visualize Your Success at the Gym

Athletes have been using visualization for decades as a tool to achieve their goals. By closing your eyes and imagining what it will feel like to complete an exercise or achieve a goal, you will be better prepared physically and psychologically for your workouts. If you ever feel like skipping a workout, take a few minutes to visualize how you’ll feel after going to the gym and how it will bring you one step closer to your dream.

Consider Working with a Personal Trainer at the Gym

The certified personal trainers at AFAC gym add a lot of value to your workouts. They will design a program that’s based on your goals, show you how to use our equipment, help you perfect your form, and give you important tips along the way. Plus, scheduling times to meet with them will compel you to go to the gym and stick with the program.

Find the Fun in Fitness at AFAC Gym

At AFAC gym, our number one priority is to help all our members feel welcome and motivated to join us at the gym. In addition to our friendly atmosphere, we also stock our gym with a vast selection of professional-quality equipment that keeps everyone’s workouts varied and interesting. Your time at AFAC gym is sure to be one of the highlights of your day.

To discover more about how to become a member of Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, the best gym in the Thornton, Colorado, area, please visit our gym or give our staff a call. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or susan@adventurefitness.club for assistance.

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