AFAC Gym — A Lot More Than CrossFit

Man in black shorts and gray shirt holds sledgehammer over his shoulder, about to strike a large tire at AFAC gym

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, enthusiasts are constantly seeking the ideal workout regimen that not only delivers remarkable results but also fosters overall wellbeing.

CrossFit — known for its high-intensity and community-driven approach — has captured the hearts of countless fitness aficionados worldwide since its founding in 2000.

However, there exists a hidden gem that goes beyond traditional boundaries — a gym offering a full fitness experience that outshines CrossFit alone. Welcome to Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, where the fusion of full-service amenities and CrossFit-style workouts creates an unrivaled environment for reaching your ultimate fitness potential.

In this blog, we delve into the distinct advantages that AFAC gym has to offer, showcasing how it surpasses the benefits of CrossFit and paves the way for a fitness journey like no other. From our state-of-the-art facilities and personalized training to our diverse class offerings and supportive fitness community, AFAC gym is the ultimate destination for those seeking an all-encompassing fitness experience that empowers and uplifts. Embark on a path of holistic fitness with AFAC gym in Thornton, Colorado, and witness the potential for self-improvement, growth, and transformation.

Why Is Exercising at AFAC Gym Better Than CrossFit?

While CrossFit has proven to be a good workout methodology for some, AFAC gym elevates the fitness game by offering a comprehensive range of services and amenities, expertly curated to cater to the unique needs of every individual.

By blending the best of all worlds — strength training, cardio, personal training, rock climbing, cryotherapy, InBody 770 body composition assessments, hydro massage, and a full schedule of daily group classes that incorporate some CrossFit methodology — AFAC gym stands as a beacon of excellence, enhancing traditional fitness routines with the intensity and camaraderie of CrossFit-inspired classes.

To better compare AFAC gym and CrossFit, let’s explore what CrossFit is, its benefits, and its potential drawbacks. Then, we’ll show what makes AFAC gym better.

What Is CrossFit?

Founded by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai in the year 2000, CrossFit emerged as a revolutionary fitness concept that challenged the conventional norms of exercise.

Greg Glassman, a former gymnast and personal trainer, envisioned a workout methodology that combined functional movements, high-intensity training, and a sense of community. His vision materialized in Santa Cruz, California, where the first official CrossFit gym opened its doors. The CrossFit regimen quickly gained popularity among athletes, military personnel, and fitness enthusiasts due to its emphasis on functional fitness and scalable workouts.

At its core, CrossFit aims to enhance physical performance across 10 recognized fitness domains, which include cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. Through constantly varied workouts that incorporate elements of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardiovascular exercises, CrossFit enthusiasts challenge themselves to push past their limits and achieve newfound levels of fitness.

Moreover, CrossFit fosters a strong sense of community and camaraderie. CrossFit affiliates, also known as “boxes,” create a supportive environment where members motivate and encourage each other to achieve their goals. This community-driven approach has played a significant role in the global proliferation of CrossFit, turning it into more than just a workout but a lifestyle embraced by millions worldwide.

What Are the Benefits of CrossFit?

CrossFit, with its dynamic and high-intensity approach to fitness, has garnered a vast following of devoted enthusiasts. Let’s explore some of the advantages that people say CrossFit brings to the table:

  • A Comprehensive Full-Body Workout: CrossFit is designed to target all facets of physical fitness, ranging from strength and endurance to flexibility and balance. Through its constantly varied workouts, participants engage in functional movements that mimic real-life activities, empowering them to handle everyday challenges with greater ease.
  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Fitness: The incorporation of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and intense cardiovascular exercises into CrossFit workouts boosts heart health and improves overall cardiovascular endurance. This translates to improved stamina and increased efficiency in oxygen utilization.
  • Strength and Muscle Building: CrossFit’s emphasis on weightlifting and bodyweight exercises helps in building lean muscle mass, promoting a toned and defined physique. Increased muscle mass also contributes to a higher basal metabolic rate, enabling better calorie burn even at rest.
  • Constant Variability: The “constantly varied” aspect of CrossFit keeps workouts fresh and engaging, preventing plateaus and promoting continued progress. This diversity not only keeps participants mentally stimulated but also challenges their bodies to adapt and improve continually.
  • Time Efficiency: CrossFit workouts are known for their intensity and shorter duration, making them ideal for those with busy schedules.
  • Camaraderie and Support: CrossFit’s strong sense of community is one of its most cherished aspects. The group dynamic fosters a supportive environment where members encourage and motivate one another, creating lasting bonds and a positive fitness experience.
  • Mental Resilience: CrossFit challenges individuals to push beyond their perceived limits, fostering mental toughness and resilience. Participants learn to embrace discomfort, which can extend beyond the gym and positively impact various aspects of their lives.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of CrossFit?

Despite its widespread success, CrossFit has received both acclaim and criticism over the years. Advocates praise its effectiveness in building functional strength and overall fitness, while critics raise numerous concerns, such as the potential for injury due to CrossFit’s intense nature.

It is crucial for fitness enthusiasts to be aware of the negative aspects of any workout program so they can make informed decisions about their fitness journey. Let’s explore some of the potential drawbacks of CrossFit:

  1. High Risk of Injury: CrossFit’s high-intensity nature and focus on complex movements can increase the risk of injury, especially when proper form and technique are not emphasized or maintained. Participants may push themselves too hard or attempt advanced exercises prematurely, leading to strains, sprains, or overuse injuries. Science seems to back up this belief. A study published in 2019 explored the injury rates associated with CrossFit workouts compared to traditional weightlifting exercises. The results revealed that individuals who engaged in CrossFit workouts were more prone to injuries, citing the intensity of the exercises and participants pushing themselves beyond their limits as primary contributing factors.
  2. Intense Workouts for Beginners: CrossFit’s intensity may be overwhelming for beginners or individuals with little prior fitness experience. While workouts are scalable, newcomers may feel pressured to keep up with more seasoned participants, potentially leading to burnout or frustration.
  3. Emphasis on Competition: CrossFit’s competitive atmosphere may motivate some individuals, but it can also create an environment where participants feel compelled to push beyond their limits, disregarding their body’s signals. This competitive mindset may not be suitable for everyone and can contribute to excessive strain or injury.
  4. Lack of Personalization: CrossFit classes often follow a generalized approach to accommodate a group setting. While this fosters a sense of community, it may not address individual fitness goals, limitations, or health concerns as effectively as personalized training programs.
  5. Overtraining and Recovery Concerns: CrossFit’s high-frequency and intense workouts can lead to overtraining if not balanced with adequate rest and recovery. Insufficient recovery time can hamper progress, increase the risk of injury, and negatively impact overall wellbeing.
  6. Lack of Muscle Building: If your primary fitness goal is to achieve a chiseled six-pack and a heavily muscular build, CrossFit might not be for you. While CrossFit undoubtedly helps you stay in shape and improve overall fitness, it is not specifically tailored to pump up muscles to create the “beach body” ideal for summer. Participants may experience muscle toning and development, but the level of hypertrophy typically seen in bodybuilding-focused programs may not be achievable with CrossFit workouts.
  7. Extreme Muscle Soreness: CrossFit, renowned for its high-intensity workouts, presents a formidable challenge not just to the body but also to the mind. Even a mere 20 minutes of CrossFit training can leave muscles feeling intensely sore. Moreover, the demanding nature of CrossFit, with workouts scheduled up to seven days a week, may not allow sufficient time for proper muscle recovery. As a result, individuals considering CrossFit should be prepared both mentally and physically, as this workout regimen may not be suitable for everyone. Before embarking on a CrossFit journey, individuals should carefully assess their fitness levels, prior exercise experience, and overall health.
  8. Strict Dietary Expectations: For many, CrossFit transcends mere exercise; it evolves into a lifestyle encompassing dietary changes to maximize fitness efforts. The prevalent CrossFit nutrition plans often revolve around a balanced macronutrient breakdown, with 30% protein, 30% fats, and 40% carbohydrates. Alternatively, some practitioners opt for the Paleo diet, inspired by our ancestors’ eating habits during the Paleolithic era, emphasizing animal protein. While these diets may prove beneficial for some, it’s essential to recognize that they may not be universally suitable. Every individual possesses unique nutritional requirements, making it vital to consider personalized needs when selecting a dietary approach.
  9. Cost of Membership: CrossFit gym memberships can be relatively expensive compared to traditional gyms or fitness centers like AFAC gym. This cost of CrossFit may limit accessibility for some individuals who are seeking a more budget-friendly fitness option.
  10. Limited Focus on Specific Goals: While CrossFit aims to enhance overall fitness, individuals with specific goals, such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, or marathon training, may find that the generalized approach of CrossFit does not fully align with their targeted objectives.
  11. Pressure to Perform: CrossFit’s culture of pushing boundaries and achieving personal bests may create undue pressure on participants to perform at their peak consistently. This pressure can lead to physical and mental fatigue, potentially impacting long-term adherence to the program.
  12. Impact on Joint Health: The repetitive nature of some CrossFit movements and the potential for improper form can place considerable stress on joints, particularly if not executed with precision. This can lead to joint issues or exacerbate existing conditions.
  13. Inadequate Focus on Mobility and Flexibility: CrossFit’s focus on strength and intensity may sometimes overshadow the importance of mobility and flexibility training, potentially increasing the risk of muscle imbalances and reduced range of motion.
  14. Its Fad-Like Popularity: CrossFit’s swift rise in popularity has led some to label it as a mere fitness fad. Critics argue that its rapid growth may be attributed to hype rather than its inherent effectiveness. Such skepticism prompts individuals to approach CrossFit with caution, questioning its long-term sustainability and the potential for novelty to fade over time.
  15. Inferior Design: CrossFit is undeniably effective for keeping dieters in shape, but numerous reviews point out inherent design flaws that need correction for safety and efficiency. The “no pain, no gain” mentality prevalent in the CrossFit community can be unhealthy, causing individuals to overwork their bodies and ignore warning signals of pain during workouts, as modern research indicates pain is not a positive sign during exercise.
  16. Ease of Certification: Obtaining a CrossFit Level 1 certification is considered one of the fundamental prerequisites for individuals aspiring to become part of the CrossFit fitness franchise. However, the process of attaining this certification raises concerns as it appears remarkably easy. Completing a two-day seminar and passing a 50-question multiple-choice exam grants participants the Level 1 certification. Surprisingly, the Level 2 certification, though recommended, is not required, leading many to forego further development and embark on their coaching journey with just the Level 1 credentials. Since the criteria for obtaining the Level 1 certification are relatively simple, almost anyone can acquire the certificate, irrespective of their educational background or prior experience. This scenario creates a potential risk wherein trainers may lack the necessary expertise to responsibly guide their clients, jeopardizing their wellbeing. To put it simply, poorly trained CrossFit coaches present a danger if they don’t fully understand the risks associated with what they are asking their clients to do.

How AFAC Gym Surpasses CrossFit

When you’re seeking a fitness haven that goes above and beyond, AFAC gym stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering an unparalleled experience that surpasses CrossFit in several remarkable ways. Let’s delve into the advantages that set AFAC gym apart.

  • Diverse Equipment Selection: AFAC gym boasts an expansive array of strength training and cardiovascular equipment, ensuring that every fitness enthusiast finds the tools they need to achieve their goals efficiently.
  • Experienced Certified Personal Trainers: The personal trainers at AFAC gym are not only highly credentialed but also bring years of experience to the table. Their expertise ensures tailored guidance and expert support on your fitness journey.
  • Personalization at its Core: Every AFAC gym member is treated as an individual with unique fitness aspirations. Personalized fitness goals and needs are prioritized, paving the way for a tailored workout experience.
  • Focus on Safety: The dedicated team at AFAC gym operates with a profound understanding of the importance of setting realistic boundaries. Rather than pushing members beyond their limits or risking injury, the focus is centered on crafting workouts that strike the perfect balance – challenging enough to yield transformative results while minimizing the potential for harm.
  • Cutting-Edge Recovery Solutions: The state-of-the-art cryotherapy chamber and hydro massage bed at AFAC gym facilitate efficient recovery, aiding in muscle repair and reducing post-workout soreness.
  • Unconventional Amenities: AFAC gym takes workouts to new heights with amenities like a climbing cave, climbing wall, jungle gym, and TRX. These unique features infuse fun and challenge into every session.
  • Diverse Class Offerings: Daily classes at AFAC gym encompass an impressive variety, ranging from Nordic walking and yoga to spin class, boot camp, mixed martial arts, dance fitness, Power Plate, and much more. Many of these classes incorporate CrossFit elements so that you can enjoy the best of all worlds at AFAC gym. And, not only will you get in shape during our classes, but you’ll also forge new friendships.
  • Unlimited Group Classes: Membership at AFAC gym grants you unlimited access to invigorating group classes, amplifying the social aspect of your fitness journey.
  • Inclusive Environment: AFAC gym exudes a welcoming atmosphere where every individual, regardless of fitness level or ability, feels at home and valued.
  • Accessible Support: Approachability and friendliness are cornerstones of AFAC gym’s culture. You can confidently seek guidance from our knowledgeable team, making your fitness experience seamless and stress-free.
  • Tailored Bodybuilding Support: Whether your aim is recreational muscle-building or preparing for a bodybuilding competition, AFAC gym provides the newest and greatest equipment along with personal training support to help you chase your dreams.
  • Precise Body Composition Tracking: The Inbody 770 Body Composition Analyzer at AFAC gym offers a comprehensive view of your progress, allowing you to monitor changes in muscle and fat mass over time.
  • Meticulous Maintenance: Each piece of equipment at AFAC gym undergoes meticulous maintenance, ensuring that it operates at its prime. This dedication to upkeep not only extends the lifespan of our equipment but also enhances the quality of your workout experience.
  • Uncompromising Commitment to Cleanliness: From equipment to common areas, workout rooms to bathrooms, and amenities to offices, every corner of AFAC gym receives ongoing and thorough sanitization throughout the day. This unwavering dedication to cleanliness ensures that every member can partake in their fitness journey with peace of mind, knowing that their health and safety are upheld to the highest degree.

In the realm of fitness, AFAC gym redefines excellence by offering an inclusive, dynamic, and empowering environment that transcends traditional fitness paradigms. With cutting-edge amenities, top-tier support, and a commitment to your individual growth, AFAC gym is a superior choice for those seeking a transformative fitness journey that prioritizes results, wellbeing, and the joy of accomplishment.

AFAC Gym – Where Full-Service Fitness Meets CrossFit Innovation

While CrossFit has undoubtedly changed the fitness landscape, AFAC gym seeks to combine the best aspects of CrossFit with our comprehensive array of equipment, amenities, and services, ensuring an unparalleled fitness experience that caters to the unique needs of every individual.

If you’d like to learn more about AFAC gym and how we differ from CrossFit, please visit us for a personalized tour. As the best gym in Thornton, Colorado, AFAC provides you with virtually unlimited options for your workouts. We are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our members and ensuring they see the results they’re working toward.

If you’re not a member of AFAC gym but would like more information, please stop by and speak to our team. For more information and assistance, you can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or