Strengthen Hamstrings and Shield Yourself from Injuries with Nordic Curls at AFAC Gym

Male personal trainer at AFAC gym holding down a woman's ankles while she attempts to perform a Nordic curl

The Nordic curl — known by many other names such as the Nordic hamstring curl, Nordic ham curl, inverse leg curl, Russian leg curl, natural glute ham raise, and Nordic hamstring exercise — has enjoyed a recent surge in popularity. This is likely due to the Nordic curl’s profound effects on hamstring hypertrophy, eccentric strength enhancement, and a reduction in the risk of hamstring injuries.

This array of benefits is impressive, rendering the Nordic curl an exercise of choice for athletes spanning various disciplines. Yet, before diving into the Nordic curl’s many advantages, it’s essential to learn how to perform them. In this blog, we’ll unravel the mystery of the Nordic curl, shedding light on its significance and equipping you with the knowledge you need to master this exercise and reap its many benefits at AFAC gym in Thornton, Colorado.

What Are Nordic Curls at the Gym?

The Nordic curl has gained quite a following thanks to its unique approach. Imagine working your muscles while they stretch! This exercise involves being on your knees with your ankles secured, and then gently lowering your upper body forward.

Although there are special setups designed just for Nordic curls, you can get the same benefits using other methods. The key is having your ankles and knees anchored, with the upper part of your body being able to move up and down.

Nordic curls have proven to be important for staying safe from injuries and recovering faster from hamstring strains. They’re especially useful in sports that require speed, like football, soccer, sprinting, and rugby. So, let’s dig deeper into how these curls work their magic!

What Are the Benefits of Nordic Curls?

Diversifying your strength training regimen is the key to achieving a well-rounded physique and enhanced performance. Among the multitude of exercises available, the Nordic hamstring curl stands as a valuable addition, offering a plethora of advantages that can transform your fitness journey.

Here are seven compelling reasons why incorporating the Nordic hamstring curl into your routine can yield remarkable results.

  1. Amplified Hamstring Strength — Unveiling stronger hamstring muscles is at the core of Nordic hamstring curls. This exercise ranks among the elite when it comes to enhancing muscle growth on the posterior side of your legs. By engaging all three key muscles of the hamstring – the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus – this movement offers a comprehensive hamstring-building experience.
  2. Fortified Injury Defense — Prioritizing injury prevention is paramount in any fitness endeavor. The Nordic hamstring curl takes a proactive stance by activating your knee flexor muscles, a critical step in safeguarding against hamstring injuries. With consistent incorporation, this exercise elevates the flexibility of your knee joint and contributes to mitigating hamstring strain risks.
  3. Elevated Exercise Performance — Elevating your exercise prowess is a shared aspiration among athletes of all disciplines, and the Nordic hamstring exercise emerges as a game-changer. It augments both hip extension and knee flexion strength, ultimately translating into enhanced workout performance. Additionally, the benefits ripple into the realm of posterior chain exercises, allowing you to excel in a range of movements that engage the back of your body. The benefits extend to various strength training routines, including deadlifts, push-ups, and hip thrusts, igniting overall growth.
  4. Versatile Adaptability — Flexibility in tailoring your workout is invaluable. The Nordic hamstring curl adapts to your fitness level seamlessly. For an advanced challenge, explore weighted variations with dumbbells or kettlebells. Alternatively, ease into the exercise using resistance bands for an assisted Nordic hamstring curl, catering to beginners and those progressing steadily.
  5. Enhanced Athletic Brilliance — Picture yourself dashing across the field or soaring through the air with greater ease and speed. Nordic curls hold the key to achieving these athletic feats. By engaging in this exercise, you’re not just honing your hamstring muscles; you’re fostering an uptick in both hip extension and knee flexion strength. The implications of this extend far beyond the confines of your gym sessions. As your hamstrings grow stronger, your performance in activities such as sprinting, running, and jumping undergoes a marked improvement.
  6. Enhanced Range of Motion — Unlike the constrained movements of a machine hamstring curl, the Nordic curl offers a distinctive advantage. This exercise allows you to execute the movement from an optimal position, leading to a broader and more effective range of motion. This enhanced motion ensures that your body can engage and activate the right muscles for maximum impact.
  7. Low Learning Curve — Although the Nordic curl may appear daunting at first glance, mastering it comes surprisingly easy. The exercise’s mechanics are simple and direct, centering around controlled descent and hamstring activation during ascent. Begin your journey by embracing assisted versions utilizing resistance bands and restricting your range of motion. As you gain proficiency with these iterations, progress naturally to more advanced renditions.

What Muscles Can I Work With Nordic Curls at the Gym?

Nordic curls boast a multifaceted impact on various muscle groups, with their spotlight firmly fixed on the hamstrings. The hamstrings, an amalgamation of three distinct muscles nestled on the rear side of the upper leg, undergo an intense engagement during this exercise. These pivotal muscles encompass the:

  • Biceps Femoris — Positioned at the outermost part of the hamstrings and running across two joints (the hip joint and the knee joint), the biceps femoris plays a significant role in knee and hip action. It aids in bending the knee, extending the hip, and laterally rotating the leg while fostering overall lower body strength.
  • Semimembranosus — Nestled at the inner side of the hamstrings and extending from the hip to the knee, the semimembranosus contributes to knee joint flexion while lending stability to the hip joint during thigh extension and internal rotation.
  • Semitendinosus — Taking its place between the biceps femoris and semimembranosus, the semitendinosus participates in knee joint flexion, hip extension, and internal rotation of the knee, orchestrating harmonious movement across these pivotal joints.

There’s no doubt that the hamstrings are the linchpin of this exercise, organizing the intricate coordination between knee and hip movements.

However, the marvel of the Nordic curl doesn’t stop at the hamstrings alone. It casts its influence on secondary muscle groups, further enriching your fitness journey.

The Gluteal Trio

  • Gluteus Maximus — Residing in the buttocks, the gluteus maximus is the largest and most powerful muscle in this region. The Nordic curl lends it a supporting role, enhancing its contribution to hip extension and overall lower body strength.
  • Gluteus Medius — Positioning itself alongside and on top of the gluteus maximus, this muscle stabilizes the pelvis and aids in maintaining balance during the exercise.
  • Gluteus Minimus — The smallest of the gluteal trio and underneath the gluteus medius, the gluteus minimus reinforces the stabilization of the pelvis while playing a crucial role in hip joint function.

Spinal Erectors

The Nordic curl extends its benefits even further by involving the spinal erectors. These muscles, interwoven along the spine, play a pivotal role in maintaining spinal integrity. Not only do they support the spine, but they also facilitate torso flexion and extension, adding a layer of sophistication to the exercise’s impact.

How Do I Perform Nordic Curls at the Gym?

Nordic curls, despite their challenging nature, can be a rewarding addition to your fitness routine. Follow these step-by-step instructions to master the technique.

Equipment Needed

  1. A secure anchor point or partner (like your personal trainer) to hold your feet down. You can wedge your feet and limbs under any immovable object. Even a Smith machine can work when you lock the barbell in place at the lowest setting.
  2. An exercise mat for comfort.


  1. Setup. Begin by kneeling on an exercise mat, ensuring your ankles are securely anchored. A partner can hold your feet, or you can use a sturdy anchor point, like a bench or barbell secured to the floor.
  2. Positioning. Keep your body upright and aligned. Your hips should be extended, and your torso in a straight line with your thighs.
  3. Descent. Initiate the movement by slowly lowering your upper body towards the ground, maintaining a controlled pace. Engage your core and maintain a straight line from your head to your knees.
  4. Eccentric Phase. As you descend, use your hamstrings to resist gravity and control the movement. Allow your body to lower as far as you comfortably can, keeping the movement controlled throughout.
  5. Assistance (Optional). If you’re new to Nordic curls, or to make the movement more manageable, you can place your hands on the ground in front of you for support. Push off the ground with your hands as needed to assist in the ascent.
  6. Ascent. Begin the ascent by activating your hamstrings to pull your body back up to the starting position. Keep the movement smooth and controlled.
  7. Completion. Return to the upright kneeling position with your hips extended and torso aligned. Repeat for the desired number of reps.


  • Start with a limited range of motion if you’re new to Nordic curls. As you gain strength and confidence, gradually increase the depth of the movement.
  • Engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to maintain stability and control.
  • Control the descent to avoid sudden or jerky movements that could strain your hamstrings.
  • As you progress, you can experiment with different variations, such as using resistance bands for assistance or performing weighted Nordic curls.

Safety Precautions

  • Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you’re new to this exercise.
  • If you have a history of hamstring injuries or other lower body issues, consult a fitness professional or healthcare provider before attempting Nordic curls.
  • Remember, Nordic curls require practice and patience to perfect. Start with proper form and gradually challenge yourself as your strength and technique improve.

Elevate Your Athletic Performance with Nordic Curls at AFAC Gym

So, whether you’re aiming for the finish line, the basketball hoop, or simply a more robust physique, Nordic curls are your ally in the pursuit of greater athletic excellence. As you delve deeper into this exercise, you’ll uncover how it can propel you to new heights in your athletic journey.

If you need assistance learning how to perform Nordic curls or a spotter to hold down your feet, the personal trainers at AFAC gym are here to help you. They can also develop a full personalized exercise program for you that matches your fitness goals. At AFAC gym, our team is always here to support your efforts so you’ll see the results you’re working so hard for. That’s why we’re the best gym in Thornton, Colorado.

If you’d like to learn more about AFAC gym and our incredible array of strength training and cardio equipment – as well as our unique offerings like cryotherapy, hydro massage, fitness classes, and our rock climbing wall and cave, we hope you will visit us for a personalized tour. Our team will be happy to help you. For more information and assistance, you can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or