InBody 770 machine at AFAC gym in Thornton, CO

Measuring Body Composition With InBody 770 at AFAC Gym

As someone who wants to stay fit, you’ve probably weighed yourself countless times. After working hard at the gym and eating a healthy diet, it feels great to see those numbers on the scale go down!

While body weight is one measurement of your overall health, it’s not the end-all, be-all assessment of your fitness level. You should also focus on your body composition to identify where your weight is coming from.

A body composition test will not only tell you what your body fat percentage is, but it can also help you fine-tune your exercise and nutritional program to lose fat and gain muscle. It can also identify certain health risks you might be facing.

But what exactly is body composition and how do you measure it? There are various methods available — including the InBody 770 Body Composition Analyzer at AFAC gym. We are the only facility in the Thornton, Colorado, area with an InBody 770. This easy-to-use device gives you a comprehensive analysis of your entire body in minutes. Read this blog to learn more about what body composition is, why it’s important, and how to use the InBody 770 at our Thornton gym!

Is Intermittent Fasting Right for You?

Could Intermittent Fasting Be a Part of Your Fitness Plan at AFAC Gym?

As a gym member, you’ve probably met people following all kinds of diet plans to improve their health and exercise performance. And, while most diet plans focus on what you eat, there is one currently popular diet that puts the spotlight on when you eat — intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating plan that puts you on a regular schedule of fasting and eating. There are several intermittent fasting schedules available so you can pick the one that works best for you. Research has shown that IF can be a successful way to manage your weight and prevent, or even reverse, some diseases.

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss what intermittent fasting is, its benefits, some of the most common IF schedules you can follow, and how intermittent fasting can be a part of your fitness goals at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

Older woman and man sitting on ground and stretching their legs

Fitness Habits to Follow After 50 at AFAC Gym

One of the main reasons why people join a gym is to remain healthy and strong as they age. Aging well is all about forming habits that are good for you, like exercising regularly at the gym, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and seeing your doctor. This healthy lifestyle should be a lifelong pursuit, but after the age of 50, it’s more important than ever to maintain healthy habits, which can help you stay independent and active for as long as possible. After all, you not only want to add years to your life, but also add life to your years!

Not sure where to start? Read this blog to learn about fitness habits you should follow at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym — habits that can unlock the secrets of healthy living after 50.

Smiling, standing woman at AFAC gym holding a slam ball in one hand and a medicine ball in the other

Slam Balls vs. Medicine Balls: Which Is a Better Workout Tool at AFAC Gym?

When you think of working out at a gym, exercises like lifting a barbell or running on a treadmill might come to mind. But there are many other alternative workout methods, some of them as simple as exercise balls.

That’s right, the balls you threw and kicked on the playground as a kid have grown up to become very effective workout tools that can help you build strength, stability, and cardiovascular conditioning.

Two of the most common exercise balls are slam balls and medicine balls. While neither one is better than the other, they each have their own uses depending on what kind of exercises you want to perform at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym. Read this blog to learn about the difference between slam balls and medicine balls, the benefits of each, and some exercises you can try.

Close up of woman's legs walking on a treadmill at AFAC gym

One Small Step for You, One Giant Leap Toward Fitness at AFAC Gym

If there’s any exercise that humans have evolved to do, it’s walking. Walking is the most fundamental, basic form of human physical activity, and it doesn’t require any special skills or equipment. For these reasons and more, walking is touted as one of the best workout options for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Walking is so important that many of us have become laser focused on our “step counts” and we even wear pedometers to keep track of every step we take.

You might have heard that walking 10,000 steps per day is the gold standard. And, even though it’s a wonderful goal that’s easy to remember, 10,000 is actually an arbitrary number that isn’t right for everyone. Some of us might be able to walk more than 10,000 steps per day with ease, while others may feel daunted by that number and never even try because it seems unattainable.

Research has shown that increasing your step count can provide life-saving health benefits, even if you can’t reach that magic 10,000-step number. In this blog, we’ll discuss why walking is important, what research says about step counts, and ways you can increase your step counts at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

Group interval training class at AFAC gym

Make Every Minute Count with EMOM Workouts at AFAC Gym

Whether you’re working out at the gym, at home, or on-the-go, you want to make every minute count. Exercise takes time and effort, and you don’t want your hard work to go to waste.

That’s why EMOM workouts could be your new best friend. EMOM is short for “every minute on the minute” and it’s a form of interval training. During EMOM workouts, you complete a predetermined number of repetitions (reps) of an exercise in less than 60 seconds. Whatever time is left in those 60 seconds is set aside for you to rest before going on to the next set.

If EMOM workouts sound like something you’d love to do, read this blog to learn more about what EMOM workouts are, the benefits of this type of exercise routine, and some examples you can try at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

Bigger, stronger arm that's arm wrestling with smaller, weaker arm

10 Ways to Grow Your Weak Muscles at AFAC Gym

Sometimes, no matter how many workouts you try, how clean you eat, and how much time you spend at the gym, you’ll notice that certain muscles won’t grow as much as the others. You might be happy with most of the gains you’ve made, but there almost always seems to be at least one body part lagging behind.

This could be caused by several factors, some of which you can’t control like genetics. But that doesn’t mean you should give up. There are several techniques and methods you can apply to your workout routine at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym that will lift your weaker body parts to their full potential.

A stack of ice cubes

Should I Do Cryotherapy Before or After My Workout at AFAC Gym?

Athletes and gym members alike have been using ice packs and ice baths for decades to reduce inflammation and pain, both before and after workouts.

While these types of cold therapy work to a certain extent, they’ve never been fun. Holding an ice pack for hours is boring — and submerging your body into an ice bath is downright excruciating.

Thanks to whole-body cryotherapy chambers like the one at AFAC gym, it’s possible to reap all the benefits of cold therapy in about 3 minutes with no downtime!

The cryotherapy chamber at AFAC gym is so fast and convenient that it can be used pre- or post-exercise. Because of this, our members often ask the question, “Is it better to do cryotherapy before or after my workout at the gym?”

The answer is, it depends! Read on to learn the benefits of getting cryotherapy before or after your workouts at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

Blue graphic with silhouette of runner and weightlifter with the words "Aerobic vs. Anaerobic" across the top

The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises at AFAC Gym

During the 1980s, a fitness fad called “aerobics” hit the country by storm in the form of Jazzercise, step aerobics, and workout videos. In every gym, people proudly wore their neon leotards, legwarmers, and headbands as they sweated to the oldies and top-40 hits.

While some of these fashion trends faded over time, Americans kept their love of aerobic exercise because it’s an incredibly effective way to increase cardiovascular fitness, maintain weight, prevent disease, and feel energized.

The lesser-known cousin of aerobic exercise is “anaerobic” exercise. Even if you’ve heard about both aerobic and anaerobic workouts, you might not know exactly what they are or how they help you reach your fitness goals.

In this blog, we’ll define aerobic and anaerobic exercise, what their benefits are, and examples of these exercises you can do at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

Woman doing kettlebell squat at AFAC gym

Torch Calories at AFAC Gym With These Kettlebell Exercises

If you’re looking for a strength-training workout that helps you maximize calorie burn at the gym, you need to give kettlebells a try.

Since kettlebell workouts are compound exercises that target several muscle groups simultaneously, they amplify the calorie-burning process, allowing you to shed fat and get toned at the same time.

In this blog, we’ll show you the best kettlebell exercises for torching calories at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

Woman down on one knee with a dumbbell in each hand at AFAC gym

Exercises You Can Do at AFAC Gym That Will Keep Weight Off

Congratulations! You worked so hard to lose weight, and you’ve finally reached your weight loss goal.

You should be proud of yourself, because losing weight is one of the hardest missions to accomplish, and only a fraction of people who try are successful.

Now that you’ve arrived at this incredible milestone, you’re probably focused on keeping the weight off. That is a feat in itself, as studies show that maintaining weight loss can be even more difficult than losing weight in the first place! Not to worry, though, the team at AFAC’s Thornton gym is here to help you with exercises and other tips to maintain the results you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Woman doing the good morning exercise at AFAC gym

Good Mornings Are More Than Just a Greeting at AFAC Gym

The name sounds like a friendly way to start the day instead of a weightlifting move, but “good mornings” are a beast of an exercise that can help you build iron-clad hamstrings, glutes, abs, and back muscles.

As great as good mornings are, however, there is one downside — if done improperly or too quickly, they do come with a risk of back injury.

Read this blog to learn about what good mornings are, their benefits, and how to do them at our Thornton gym.

Woman doing lunge at AFAC Gym

Harness the Power of Compound Exercises at AFAC Gym

As much as we all love working out at the gym, we also love using our time efficiently and getting the most “bang for our buck” when exercising.

One way to make your workouts as efficient as possible is by doing compound exercises, which not only save you time at the gym, but also improve your coordination, calorie burn, and strength.

In this blog, we’ll explain what compound exercises are, their benefits, and the best compound exercises to add to your workouts at our Thornton gym.

Man sleeping on couch at AFAC gym

Fighting Workout Fatigue at AFAC Gym

Do you ever feel tired and worn down? Do you struggle to get out of bed some mornings? Do you get drowsy in the middle of the day? After work, are you too tired to go to the gym — or really do anything at all — except sit on your couch and watch TV?

We’ve all felt exhausted at one point or another during our busy days, and most of us just accept it as a routine part of life or a symptom of getting older. When that feeling becomes chronic fatigue, it can hinder your performance at home, work, or school – and it could also be preventing you from achieving your fitness goals at the gym.

Fortunately, there are many simple ways to boost your energy, and some of these ways can even slow the aging process. Read this blog to learn about what fatigue is, some common causes of fatigue, and how to fight them so that you have plenty of energy to exercise at our Thornton gym!

Man lifting dumbbells and woman on elliptical at AFAC gym

How Different Exercises at the Gym Can Affect Body Composition

Why do you work out at the gym? In 2016, 603 people were asked this question, and the answers were not all that surprising. In the survey, where respondents could pick multiple reasons for their gym memberships, 54% said the gym helps them stay healthy, 42% said the gym helps them optimize their strength and endurance, and 41% said the gym helps them manage their weight. Other reasons included that the gym “helps me get a better-looking body” (38%) and “helps me optimize my appearance” (37%).

There’s no doubt that exercising at the gym can crush all these goals, but there are lots of different exercises out there and each one affects the body differently. While most people associate gym exercise with losing weight, this assumption overlooks the other positive changes that occur with your body’s composition when you work out regularly.

In this blog, we’ll discuss what body composition is and how it can be impacted by various workouts at our Thornton gym.

Photo of an unrecognizable woman weighing herself on a scale

10 Common Gym Setbacks — And How to Overcome Them

When you join a gym to embark on a fitness journey, one of your first questions is probably, “How fast will I see results?” That’s a fair question since you want your hard work to pay off as soon as possible. But the reality is that most fitness goals like losing fat, gaining muscle, and getting stronger require consistent lifestyle changes over a long period of time. None of it happens overnight.

The desire to see positive health changes is great, but without a lot of patience and a solid plan, some people find themselves getting discouraged before they reach the finish line.

Why is it so difficult to change your body composition and maintain it over the long haul? In this blog, we’ll discuss some common setbacks that people face at our Thornton gym and how to overcome them.

Two women working out at AFAC Gym

Study Finds 30 Minutes of Weekly Strength Training at the Gym Lowers Disease Risk

Could stronger muscles lead to a longer life? According to a recent study out of Japan, the answer is yes! The study found that lifting weights at the gym for just 30 minutes per week cuts the risk of dying early by up to 20%.

Today’s blog will discuss the findings of this study and the many strength training options we offer at our Thornton gym to help our members live longer, healthier lives.

Man lifting a barbell at AFAC gym

Powerful Barbell Exercises You Can Do at AFAC Gym to Gain Strength

The barbell might be the simplest-looking piece of equipment at AFAC gym, but it also can be one of the most challenging to master. Modern 45-pound barbells have been around for at least 100 years, yet some gym members can go their entire lives without ever touching one. Hopeful weightlifters have also been known to try barbell training, only to injure themselves due to poor form.

Whatever the case, the only negative part of training with barbells is that many gym members don’t know how to use them, but if you really want to test your strength, barbells are the way to go. And if you’d like to give barbells a try at our Thornton gym, our team of personal trainers is here to assist you every step of the way.

Read this blog to learn about the benefits of barbell training and the best barbell exercises to add to your gym routine.

Two plates of healthy food and two green barbells

Is Eating Before or After Your Gym Workout Better for Weight Loss?

Most of us know that a proper diet is essential for weight loss. To lose weight, you need to maintain a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you burn and exercise at the gym to torch extra calories. Plus, it helps to eat plenty of protein so that your body has what it needs to maintain and build metabolism-boosting muscle tissue after your strength training days at the gym.

One of the most debated topics when you’re trying to lose weight, however, is whether it’s better to eat before or after gym workouts. This is a particular focus for those who exercise first thing in the morning. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to consider about eating before or after your workouts.