Make Every Minute Count with EMOM Workouts at AFAC Gym

Group interval training class at AFAC gym

Whether you’re working out at the gym, at home, or on-the-go, you want to make every minute count. Exercise takes time and effort, and you don’t want your hard work to go to waste.

That’s why EMOM workouts could be your new best friend. EMOM is short for “every minute on the minute” and it’s a form of interval training. During EMOM workouts, you complete a predetermined number of repetitions (reps) of an exercise in less than 60 seconds. Whatever time is left in those 60 seconds is set aside for you to rest before going on to the next set.

If EMOM workouts sound like something you’d love to do, read this blog to learn more about what EMOM workouts are, the benefits of this type of exercise routine, and some examples you can try at AFAC’s Thornton, CO, gym.

What Are EMOM Workouts at the Gym?

EMOM workouts are a type of anaerobic interval training during which you alternate short bursts of intense exercise with short recovery periods in between.

EMOM workouts can be considered a type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), but to qualify as HIIT, the exercises need to be challenging enough to get your heart rate up to 85% of your maximum heart rate during each set. And, during the rest time, your heart rate can’t drop below 60%.

During EMOM workouts, you have 1 minute to complete a certain number of reps of your chosen exercise. The key with EMOM workouts is to complete your reps before the minute is over.

Once you’ve completed your set of reps, you use the remaining seconds left in your minute to rest. Then, you move onto your next set of reps.

You repeat this cycle until your workout is done. The slower you complete your reps, the less time you’ll have leftover to rest until the next set begins.

Your recovery time in between reps is very important, so it’s essential not to skip it. Even a short rest period will give your body a chance to reset before you begin your next minute. That’s why you’ll want to become as efficient as possible with your movements so that you can rest longer between exercises. Even though you’ll want to be fast and efficient, however, you’ll also want your form to be excellent throughout the EMOM workout.

This one-minute exercise-rest-exercise-rest cadence helps your body to learn how to shift between going hard, recharging, and going hard again.

What Are the Benefits of EMOM Workouts at the Gym?

As you can see, EMOM is a type of workout that involves minimal rest time and maximum effort. As such, EMOMs are one of the most effective and efficient ways to build muscle, endurance, and work capacity. Plus, you can create EMOMs to suit your own personal workout goals and challenge yourself to be in the best shape of your life. Let’s dive a little deeper into the benefits of doing EMOM workouts at the gym.

It’s Convenient and Quick

We all understand how difficult it can be to fit a good workout into a busy day. EMOM workouts last only 10-30 minutes, which means you can do these high-quality exercise sessions at the gym, on your living room floor while your kids take a nap, or in your hotel room before heading off to do some sightseeing.

It Has a Flexible Format

One of the best benefits of EMOM workouts is that you can completely customize them to target most muscle groups in your body (with compound exercises, for example), or to focus on certain weak muscle groups you’re trying to build. As your fitness goals change over time, you can add in new EMOM exercises and swap others out to align with your preferences.

For instance, if you get tired of bodyweight exercises, you can add in resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells. If you want to take a break from EMOM strength training, you can even bring the EMOM method with you to your favorite cardiovascular machine. If you want to build strength, you can do low-rep deadlifts on the minute. You can even focus on balance training or unilateral training.

It’s a Fat-Burning Metabolism Booster

As a form of interval training, EMOM workouts can be an effective way of reducing your body fat percentage according to a review of studies in 2018. Data from 41 studies involving 1,115 people found that interval training provided a 28.5% greater reduction in weight, overall, compared to continuous moderate-intensity workouts.

In addition, a 2019 study found that interval exercise results in higher excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) when compared to continuous exercise. This suggests that interval exercises like EMOM workouts boost metabolism and may be more effective in reducing body fat than continuous-state exercise.

It Keeps You Accountable

When you’re at the gym and you finish a set of any exercise, it’s all too easy to lose focus and start scrolling through your phone. This can lengthen your rest periods between sets, making them last longer than they probably should. EMOM workouts force you to stay accountable. You’ll have no chance to rest longer because your eyes will be on your stopwatch!

It Builds Your Work Capacity

EMOMs train you to recover faster after each set and work harder during your workouts. Over time, EMOMs will build your work capacity and you’ll recover faster after strenuous movements.

It’s Great for Working Out with Partners or Groups

There’s no more efficient way to train with a workout partner or group than by doing the same exercise every time the stopwatch hits a new minute. And, if the people you exercise with are at different fitness levels, EMOM workouts can be catered to each individual by adjusting the weights used or the number of reps each person does.

How Long Do EMOM Workouts Last at the Gym?

EMOM workouts typically last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, but they can be shorter or longer depending on your needs. Since you’ll be working for the vast majority of the workout, EMOM workouts are generally short. Your first set of 3, 5, 8, or 12 reps will feel easy, but when you perform those reps every minute for 10 minutes, you’ll be feeling it, and you’ll get a lot stronger in the process.

EMOM workouts that involve a single exercise for the entire workout are best kept short. For longer EMOM workouts lasting 10, 20, 30, 45 minutes or more, you will obviously include multiple exercises. That way, you’ll be targeting different muscle groups which will allow you to avoid fatiguing any muscle to the point of failure.

For longer EMOMs, it’s absolutely fine to take a 2 to 5 minute break in between rounds. You can think of each block of exercises as a mini-EMOM. For example, Block 1 can include 2 exercises for 6 minutes, Block 2 can be 3 exercises for 9 minutes, and Block 3 can be 4 exercises for 12 minutes. With this setup, you can take a few minutes for a break in between blocks.

Both short-duration and longer-duration EMOM workouts are fantastic options to achieve your fitness goals. It makes sense to mix your EMOM workouts up to keep progressing over time as your goals grow.

What Are the Best EMOM Workouts to Do at the Gym?

Since EMOM workouts are catered to your needs and goals, the best EMOM workout for you will likely look completely different from the best EMOM workout for someone else. Just be sure to choose exercises and rep numbers that won’t take you to failure, as this defeats the purpose of the EMOM. It’s important to choose your exercises and the number of reps wisely. It might also take you some time to learn the number of reps that is best for you.

Here are a few examples of EMOM workouts to get your wheels turning and muscles burning!

Beginner Full-Body EMOM Workout

This EMOM workout allows you to target many muscle groups with bodyweight exercises. Try to complete the following set of exercises each minute, and then repeat the sequence two more times for a 12-minute total workout.

  • Minute 1 – 10 pushups
  • Minute 2 – 8-10 bodyweight squats
  • Minute 3 – 15 bicycle crunches
  • Minute 4 – 12 jumping jacks
  • Minutes 5-12 – Repeat the above sequence twice

Intermediate Full-Body EMOM Workout

Here is a 20-minute EMOM workout for those at an intermediate fitness level. Repeat each 5-minute EMOM 4 times for a total of 20 minutes. To kick things up a notch, you can hold a forearm plank as an active recovery between each move for 10 seconds.

  • Minute 1 – 15 dumbbell squats
  • Minute 2 – 10 pushups with renegade row
  • Minute 3 – 15 squat jumps
  • Minute 4 – 15 situps
  • Minute 5 – 10 burpees

Intense Bodyweight EMOM Workout

This 20-minute EMOM concentrates on improving your strength with bodyweight exercises. Use a box jump height that feels challenging for your fitness level but allows you to perform the 5 reps unbroken.

At the start of every minute, perform these 4 exercises and repeat for 20 minutes:

  • 5 pullups
  • 5 pushups
  • 5 box jumps
  • 5 crunches

Lift Strength EMOM Workout

You can do this EMOM workout with almost any strength training exercise, but it works especially well with the big three power lifts – squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.

To complete the EMOM, load up your barbell with your 8-repetition maximum, and then do a set of 3 reps every minute for 15 minutes. You can make the workout more challenging by doing more reps per set, more sets, or by gradually increasing the weight on the barbell.

Speed and Endurance EMOM Workout

Test your endurance with this EMOM workout. All exercises should be performed within the minute before you start out again. The number of reps might look low, but you’ll need to perform each one fast to test your endurance.

This is a 20-minute EMOM. Perform all 4 of these exercises within a minute for 20 minutes.

  • 2 high knees
  • 2 jumping jacks
  • 2 burpees
  • 25 meter sprint (about 82 feet)

You Can Do Every EMOM Workout at AFAC Gym

If you’re pressed for time and want to push your training to the max, EMOM workouts could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Every minute, on the minute, you’ll introduce your body to a new exercise, or more reps of the same exercise, with minimal rest. Not only will that get you strong, but it will also help you build the endurance and work capacity to last longer and lift heavier.

AFAC gym has the equipment, space, and personal trainers to help you design and pursue any EMOM workout you can dream up. Just keep in mind that EMOM workouts are not as easy as they look on paper. Be careful when planning your EMOM workouts, as trying a workout that is too difficult for you could cause injury or discourage you from this type of exercise. When in doubt, go easy at first and then gradually increase the difficulty level to make your EMOM workout more demanding.

As always, the team at AFAC gym is here to support all our members in their pursuit of EMOM workouts. Please let us know if you have any questions about how to include EMOM in your workout program!

To find out more about becoming a member of AFAC gym — the best gym in Thornton, Colorado — please stop by or give us a call anytime. We’ll be happy to assist you. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or for assistance.