Chill Out Your Recovery This Summer with Cryotherapy

Afac Cryotherapy
Want a cool way to help those aching muscles recover this summer? Try cryotherapy. Whole body cryotherapy refers to a type of therapy that involves exposing your body’s outer layer to extreme cold temperatures for a few minutes at a time. The process works by having a person stand inside a cryotherapy chamber with only minimal clothing on while liquid nitrogen fills the chamber. The sessions are totally safe too, because the liquid nitrogen used doesn’t contact the skin and is safe to breathe. Cryotherapy chambers can also be equipped with multiple safety features including an oxygen monitor or thermal imaging. Cryotherapy hasn’t just shown success in helping recover from muscle pain but also,
  • Muscle healing
  • Weight Loss
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Preventing dementia
  • Preventing and treating cancer
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Improving symptoms of eczema
  • Treating Migraine Headaches
Want to try it out?
Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, 12301 Grant St. #210 in Thornton,CO now features the Recovery XR cryotherapy chamber by CryoInnovations and is accepting appointments. Don’t miss out session specials going on now.
Got more questions? Want to make that appointment? If you live in the Thornton, Northglenn, Westminster, Broomfield, Henderson, Brighton, Lafayette, Louisville, or throughout the Denver Metro area in Colorado, call today, we can answer all your questions and set an appointment to take advantage of our session specials, 303.920.2030.