7 Little Foods That Have Big Benefits

close up of fruits and berries
7 Little Foods that Have Big Benefits
Incorporating healthy foods into your diet is important to help maintain your body and your health. Check out these little foods that have some mighty benefits.
  1. Blueberries
This tiny berry is rich in antioxidants, which can help fight skin aging and is known to contain a compound that fights against free-radicals that can cause cancer. That’s not all, this superfood also contains manganese which can help boost your metabolism.
  1. Egg
Eggs are full of protein and could help you stay fuller, longer. Egg whites could also help keep that metabolism going with its good source of amino-acids.
  1. Dark Chocolate
You may not think of chocolate as nutritious but dark chocolate can be. It contains antioxidants that fight off free-radicals and contains good fats that may help boost your metabolism. It may also help you keep your hand out of the cookie jar as well.
  1. Almonds
This nut contains magnesium which has been known to help blood sugar levels and contains healthy fats that can help lower cholesterol. The almond doesn’t stop there, it also has lots of fiber, vitamin E and less calories than most other nuts.
  1. Apple
High in antioxidants, this fruit can help reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease or diabetes. It is also a good source of vitamin C, fiber and the pectin contained within can slow digestion and be natural appetite suppressant.
  1. Chia Seeds
You’ve seen them added to all types of different recipes but what makes them so good? These seeds are full of fiber that keep you feeling full and they are also an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and Omega-3s.
  1. Raspberries
Help reduce your risk of heart disease with this fruit’s high dose of polyphenols. Raspberries are also a good source of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C and manganese.
Next time you’re reaching for a snack, keep these little foods in mind for an option that could be full of benefits. Need nutritional advice? Want some extra fitness help?  If you live in the Thornton, Northglenn, Westminster, Broomfield, Henderson, Brighton, Lafayette, Louisville, or throughout the Denver Metro area in Colorado, Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, 12301 Grant St. #210  in Thornton,CO can help you. We have personal trainers available to help you develop a fitness plan that’s right for you. Stop by or check us out, www.adventurefitness.club. Got questions? Give us a call, 303.920.2030.