4th of July Fitness Tips From AFAC Gym

Fourth of July Fireworks

As July 4th approaches, we’re all looking forward to fun activities like fireworks, barbecues, and gatherings with our loved ones to celebrate the U.S.A. and our independence! Adventure Fitness Athletic Club wishes you a safe and happy holiday weekend.

As a reminder, Adventure Fitness Athletic Club will be closed on Sunday, July 4, 2021, but we will be back open on Monday, July 5, ready to resume workouts at our Thornton gym.

July 4th is always a busy and exciting time, but you can still find ways to squeeze in a workout and other healthy habits to salute the strength that helps you enjoy your freedom. Whether you’re headed out to a star-spangled party or staying home to cook on the grill, read on for some explosive ways to keep your body fit and strong on Independence Day and all year long.

Ways to Workout on July 4th

If you’d like to head into the holiday feeling like you’ve earned some rest and relaxation, try the following Independence Day themed workout. There are five exercises listed to represent the five points of a star. To keep these exercises focused on July 4th, complete 7 reps of each exercise. After you’re done, repeat the cycle 4 more times.

You’ll also notice that some of these exercises ask you to use barbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands. If you don’t have any of these items available, you are free to improvise with something that you do have on hand!

Statue of Liberty Lifts

With two light-to-medium weight dumbbells, you can build strong arms like the torch-bearing Statue of Liberty.

This exercise is a combination shoulder press and triceps extension. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and keep your shoulders back. Hold a dumbbell in one hand with your arm in front of you and your elbow at a 90-degree angle. Press your arm straight up to complete a shoulder press. When you reach the top of the press, lower the dumbbell behind your head and then extend your arm straight up for a tricep extension. Lower your arm to the starting position for one rep. Complete reps on one arm and then switch to the other arm.

Red, White, and Glutes

You will need a resistance band for this exercise. Tuck one end of the resistance band under the arch of one foot and get on your hands and knees. The other end of the resistance band should be stretched and placed under both palms on the floor. Kick the banded foot straight behind you and up, and then return your foot to the starting position. Complete reps with one foot and then switch to the other foot.

Squats and Stripes

You will need two dumbbells for this squat exercise. Stand with your feet out wide and point your toes outward. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and straighten your arms out in front of you with palms facing inward. Squat down and open your arms out to the side, keeping your arms parallel to the ground. Keep your back straight as you lower down and don’t lean your torso forward. Stand back up while pulling your arms together in front of you again. This is one rep.

Star Spangled Deadlifts

You will need a kettlebell or dumbbell for this deadlift exercise. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands in front of you with your arms straight. Hinge at the hips and bend slightly at the knees. While keeping your back flat and your torso parallel to the floor, lower the weight in front of you until it reaches your shins. While you keep your core tight, push through your heels to stand back up straight. As you pull up, keep the weight close to your shins. This is one rep.

Fire Cracker Crunches

Roll out a mat and lay flat on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Put your hands behind your head and point your elbows outward. Brace your abs and lift your knees to 90 degrees. Raise your upper body. This is your starting position for the exercise. Rotate your trunk and move your right elbow and left knee toward each other. At the same time, straighten your right leg. Hold for a second and return to the starting position. Move your left elbow and right knee together and extend your left leg. Hold for a second and return to the starting position. This is one rep.

More Independence Day Health Tips from AFAC Gym

As all our gym members know, working out is just one important part of a healthy lifestyle. There are many other ways that you can stay healthy as you put on your best red, white, and blue outfit to head outside and celebrate our great nation.

Wear Sunscreen

Summers are stunning in Thornton, Colorado, so many of us will be spending plenty of time outside on July 4th. Make sure to wear protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses when you’re outside. Choose a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher and protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. Apply the sunscreen to all exposed skin before going outside and reapply every two hours, or every hour if you’re swimming or sweating.

Eat Light

Make sure your meal doesn’t weigh down the festivities. Prepare salads and veggies to balance a main course of grilled fish or chicken. If you need snacks, load up on veggie sticks, fruit, and cheese instead of cookies, meatballs, and greasy chicken wings. There are hundreds of festive and healthy 4th of July recipes online that you can whip up for the big day.

Drink Plenty of Water

It’s too easy to get dehydrated in Colorado’s hot, dry weather, so be sure to have plenty of water on-hand and drink it all day long. Avoid sugary sodas and other drinks that are high in empty calories.

Plan an Active Party

Find ways to make your festivities active. Have a friendly kickball or golfing tournament, go on a hike together, or play lawn games like pickleball, badminton, frisbee, and outdoor bowling. Not only will you get everyone’s blood pumping, but you’ll also make memories to share for a lifetime.

Wear Earplugs

If you go to watch fireworks, consider wearing a pair of earplugs. Fireworks have a decibel level of 150, and experts recommend ear protection for any noise above 85 decibels.

AFAC Gym Wishes You and Your Loved Ones a Happy and Healthy Independence Day

The staff at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club wishes all our gym members and their loved ones a safe, healthy, and happy July 4th holiday. Let’s celebrate the day with joy and thankfulness for our freedoms and the beautiful country we call home. While our gym will be closed on Sunday, July 4, 2021, we will be open regular hours on July 5 so that you can get a good workout in. Thank you for being a part of the best gym in the Thornton, Colorado, area! If you need assistance, please stop by AFAC gym and speak to a member of our staff, or contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or susan@adventurefitness.club for assistance.

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