4 Great Post-Workout Treats

If you’re craving dessert after your workout, don’t get into those cookies just yet. You’ve worked hard and you deserve a treat but there’s no need to ruin your hard work. Check out these recipes that will give you a sweet post-workout reward.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Protein Pudding by ProShapeFitness


  1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Protein Pudding

This protein packed pudding is low in carbs and great for on-the-go. Check out the recipe.         

  Nutritional Information: 200 cal,10g carb, 29g protein




Blueberry Yogurt Bark by Self Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell


2. Blueberry Yogurt Bark

This delicious yogurt bark can help you get your sweet fix and protein too. Check out the recipe.

Nutritional Information: 202 calories,18 g carbs, 13 g protein




Protein Parfaits by BodyBuilding.com


3. Protein Parfaits

This post-workout treat can be combined with fresh fruit to make it feel like summer is already here. Check out the recipe.

Nutritional Information: 290 calorie, 19g carbs, 35g protein



Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake by DailyBurn


4.Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake Recipe

This treat tastes like dessert and packs a post-workout protein punch. Check out the recipe.

 Nutritional Information: 225 calories, 44g carbs, 16g protein




Next time you hit the gym, try some of these recipes that will make your post-workout protein boost a little sweeter. Want some more post-workout diet ideas? If you live in the Thornton, Northglenn, Westminster, Broomfield, Henderson, Brighton, Lafayette, Louisville, or throughout the Denver Metro area in Colorado, Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, 12301 Grant St. #210  in Thornton,CO can help you with nutritional advice and personal training. Stop by or check us out, www.adventurefitness.club. Got questions? Give us a call, 303.920.2030.