Winter Wonderland Workouts at AFAC Gym

Man and woman Nordic Walking on snowy trail

As the winter weather blows into the Thornton area, it might be tempting to skip your gym workouts and curl up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate instead. But, even though your comfy couch is calling your name, it’s important to keep moving all winter long. Your regular gym workouts will help you stay in shape for the spring, ward of colds and flus, burn off those holiday calories, and keep you mentally happy even though you miss the balmy days of summer.

The good news is, while it seems like the rest of the world has gone into hibernation, our Thornton gym is open and ready to support you during your fitness journey. That means you can still enjoy all your favorite exercises and classes that you love throughout the year.

So brave those chilly winds and snow-covered hills to make your way to our gym near you for a great workout! Read on for some winter workout ideas that you can try at AFAC gym.

Nordic Walking Classes at AFAC Gym

If you’d still like to get some outdoor exercise in the winter, AFAC gym has the perfect class for you. Our gym owner Susan Schaffner holds Nordic Walking classes every Saturday at 8:00 am!

To sign up for Nordic Walking, visit our class schedule page or register on MINDBODY.

As a Certified American Nordic Walking Association Personal Instructor, Susan will lead you through a wonderful hike around the area.

If you’ve never tried Nordic Walking, Susan will be happy to show you how to Nordic Walk like a pro. It’s similar to regular walking except that you hold two specially designed ski poles in your hands. Once you get used to it, you’ll find out that Nordic Walking provides a terrific low-impact workout that has a similar intensity to running, minus all the wear-and-tear on your joints.

Nordic Walking is especially fun in the winter because it’s a bit like skiing, so you’ll almost feel like you’re hitting the slopes with all the other ski bums this time of year.

As a matter of fact, Nordic Walking got its start in the early 1900s as an off-season training exercise for cross-country skiers in Finland. Over time, Nordic Walking became a popular pastime around the world as a way for people of all ages and fitness levels to keep in shape. That’s because Nordic Walking engages 90% of the body’s muscles, plus it burns up to 46% more calories and increases your heart rate 10-15% more than normal walking.

Kettle Bell Swinging at AFAC Gym

To get an effective cardio and strength training workout, try swinging kettlebells at AFAC gym. Kettlebell training has emerged as a favorite exercise for gym members of all fitness levels. That might be because studies have shown that working out with kettlebells for 20 minutes can give you the same benefits as lifting weights for 30 minutes plus jogging on the treadmill for another 30 minutes. In one study, participants burned an incredible 272 calories during 20 minutes of kettlebell swinging, which is equivalent to running at a 6-minute mile pace.

Here’s how the 20-minute kettlebell training session worked in the study. First, participants did 15 seconds of one-armed kettlebell snatches, starting with their dominant hand. Then after a 15-second rest period, they performed another 15 seconds of kettlebell snatches with the other hand. The workout continued like that, with intervals of 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest, for 20 minutes. For this test, subjects used a kettlebell that was appropriate for their gender, body weight, fitness level, and experience level.

What are kettlebell snatches?

Kettlebell snatches are a somewhat complex exercise where the lifter swings the kettlebell from between their legs to overhead, and then lowers the kettlebell back to the starting point. Beginners should start with the lightest kettlebell possible and consult with a personal trainer at the gym to make sure they’re using proper form. To complete a kettlebell snatch, do the following:

  1. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the kettlebell on the floor slightly in front of you and between your feet.
  2. Bend slightly at the knees and hinge mainly at the hips. With one hand, grasp the kettlebell with your thumb pointing backwards and pull the kettlebell back between your legs to create momentum.
  3. To initiate the upward movement of the kettlebell, drive your hips forward and straighten your back.
  4. When the kettlebell passes chest height, gently pull it back and slide your fist around and under the bell. Then, punch it upwards so that the kettlebell swings over your hand and nestles softly on the back of your wrist with your arm straight above your head.
  5. Reverse the motion to bring the kettlebell back to the starting position between your legs.

Strength Training with Resistance Bands at AFAC Gym

If you’re having trouble getting revved up in the cold weather, one easy-to-master and effective workout you can try is resistance band training. Resistance bands increase muscle strength and size similar to free-weight training, but they target smaller muscles that you typically can’t pinpoint with weights.

Another advantage to resistance band training is that you can simply add a resistance band to any workout routine to make it more challenging. It can be a great way to get more out of an exercise that you’re already doing. Here are a few exercises you might want to try at AFAC gym with resistance bands:

  • Lunges — Place the resistance band around both of your upper thighs, above your knees. Keep your hands on your hips. Take a step forward with your right foot into a lunge. From this position, stand up by straightening both legs. Then, lift your left leg behind you to work your glute while balancing on your right foot as you lower your torso to the ground. Come back down into the lunge. Repeat 10 times and switch legs.
  • Squats — Stand straight up with the resistance band placed above your knees. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and lower into a squat, as if you’re pushing your bottom back to sit in a chair. Slowly bring yourself back to the upright position. This is one rep. Repeat for 20 reps.
  • Bicycle crunches — This exercise mimics riding a bicycle on your back. To start, lie on your back with a resistance band around your feet at shoelace level. Keep your hands behind your head and lift your feet, bending at your knees so that your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Bring your right knee to meet your left elbow. Then alternate, reaching with your left knee to meet your right elbow. This is one rep. Repeat for 15 reps.

Yoga at AFAC Gym

Sometimes the cold weather can get you feeling a little stiff, but AFAC gym has the perfect solution — our Yoga classes. We hold Yoga sessions several times per week that are free for all our members. Check out our class schedule page to sign up, or you can register on MINDBODY. Yoga provides a host of mental and physical benefits including increased flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as better sleep, improved concentration, and relief from anxiety.

Some health experts believe it’s especially beneficial to practice yoga in the winter for a variety of reasons. For example, research has shown that yoga is an effective pain management tool for those who suffer from chronic joint pain. And, since joint pain is often exacerbated by cold weather, practicing yoga during the winter can provide some much-needed relief.

In addition, yoga teaches us to be mindful of our breathing and to practice it correctly. This does our respiratory system a favor by keeping it strong at a time when colds and flus are spreading.

Fall and winter are also common times for people to suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a common condition that affects approximately 10 million Americans. Symptoms of SAD include feelings of hopelessness, oversleeping, low energy, and difficulty concentrating. Practicing yoga and meditation can elevate mood and provide a feeling of increased energy.

Climb the Walls at AFAC Gym

Since we’re inside a lot during the winter, it might leave you wanting to climb the walls. Well at AFAC gym, you can! Our double auto-belay climbing wall and indoor rock climbing cave will give you an invigorating full-body workout that helps you feel a little less confined. We are one of the very few gyms near you that provides a place to practice your climbing skills while the mountains you want to climb outside are covered in snow and ice.

If the Weather Outside Is Frightful, Head on Over to AFAC Gym

No matter what it’s like outside, the warm indoor environment at AFAC gym will keep you moving to give you a healthier, happier winter. Spring will be here before you know it!

To learn more about the best gym in the Thornton area and how to become a member, please stop by or call to speak to a member of our staff. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or for assistance.

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