TRX Tuesdays at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club

TRX Training Class

Join us at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club every Tuesday from 12:00-12:45 p.m. for our TRX and CrossCore class, led by our own Jamie McGehee. This class is a great way to hit all muscle groups and give yourself an awesome workout by using your own bodyweight as resistance. Adventure Fitness Athletic Club provides the equipment and training — all you need to do is show up, ready to have fun and get fit!

What is TRX?

TRX, short for Total Resistance Exercises, is a form of suspension training that uses your own bodyweight to develop your strength, core stability, balance, and flexibility.

This workout requires the use of a TRX Suspension Trainer which was developed by U.S. Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. The trainer leverages your bodyweight and gravity to complete the exercises.

The History of TRX

While serving as an operation captain of elite Navy SEAL units, Randy Hetrick started looking for a way to keep in good physical condition during demanding missions. SEAL missions often led him and his colleagues to places where they didn’t have access to traditional workout equipment, and exercise space was limited (imagine trying to exercise in the tight quarters of a submarine!) Using some parachute webbing and an old jiu-jitsu belt, Hetrick sewed the first TRX Suspension Trainer together. Weighing just two pounds, his makeshift trainer could be set up anywhere. Better yet, it gave him a fantastic workout that hit every muscle in his body, including his core, in ways he’d never experienced before. He loved that this completely new way to train did everything traditional weights did, and more.

In 2001, Hetrick retired from his SEAL career to attend Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. While there, he perfected his Suspension Trainers with the help of students, athletes, sports medicine specialists, and coaches. Soon, Hetrick was selling Suspension Trainers out of his garage in San Francisco with the dream of one day opening an international training center. That dream came true in 2010 when he opened the TRX Training Center headquarters in San Francisco.

Today, hundreds of thousands of fitness enthusiasts of all levels use TRX to reach their goals. Whether you want to get stronger, feel better, improve the way you look, run faster, or ride longer — TRX can help you get where you want to go.

Benefits of TRX Classes

The main goal of TRX is to improve mobility and stability. That said, this training method has also been shown to build lean muscle, increase strength, improve the core, and maximize metabolic rate.

Read on to learn other benefits of TRX training:

  • It’s flexible — TRX is perfect for on-the-go training. It requires minimal equipment, space, and setup, which means you can do it almost anywhere.
  • It’s for all fitness levels — Whether you’re a beginner, a professional athlete, or somewhere in between, TRX Training can help you move, feel, and live better.
  • It’s for all types of athletes — Fitness enthusiasts of all backgrounds participate in TRX including runners, yogis, cyclists, cross-trainers, professional sports teams, every branch of the military, Olympians, and MMA fighters.
  • It’s proven to be effective — According to a 2016 independent study by Lance C. Dalleck, Ph.D., and his team of researchers in the Recreation, Exercise and Sport Science Department at Western State Colorado University, “TRX Suspension Training was holistically beneficial, as demonstrated by the improvements seen in cardiovascular and muscular fitness over only eight weeks. Combine that with the likely benefits to a person’s flexibility and balance over the long-term and you see that this type of training program can have a tremendous impact on an individual’s overall health.”
  • It produces results — Regular TRX Suspension Training has been shown to reduce waist size and body-fat percentage, help participants improve in all measures of strength, lower blood pressure, and improve heart health.

TRX Train With Your Friends at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club

We invite you to join our TRX and CrossCore class, held every Tuesday from 12:00-12:45 p.m. at our gym in Thornton, CO. These classes are included with membership to our club. Non-members can join the class by purchasing a day pass for $10.

For more information, call Susan at 720-849-0245 or email her at Club members can register on MINDBODY.

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