The Stationary Bike vs The Spin Bike- What’s the Difference?

Closeup man’s hands on exercise bike
The stationary bike and the spin bike, both have similarities that are easy to see. Both have a seat and require you to pedal while targeting your legs and lower body. The ability to vary workout intensity and help burn calories, promote weight loss and maintain fitness goals. Although these bikes share similarities, they also provide the user a different experience with advantages and disadvantages. Take a look at these two gym bikes and how they stack up to each other.
The Stationary Bike
One of the most popular types of bikes, this upright ride may be manually controlled or can feature motors and preset workout settings that can be adjusted as you ride. Handlebars are set higher up so up you don’t have to bend over like on a spin bike. The stationary bike is a good form of cardio exercise and can help burn calories, but it may be more difficult to fully engage through the entire pedal revolution because you might lose your footing. The stationary bike is a good choice if you’re looking for low intensity cardio workout.
The Spin Bike
Also known as an indoor cycling bike, the spin bike provides the user with an experience that is similar to that of riding an outdoor bike. It has pedals that turn a heavy flywheel at the front, which is what makes the spin bike experience much like that of an outdoor bike. The user can adjust the resistance of the flywheel and control the speed of each stroke of the pedal. The spin bike allows the rider to stand for more leverage and speed as well. Spin bikes are also good for indoor training for cyclists. Some gyms offer spin classes which can be intense and can offer a challenge but may not be for everyone. As with most gym equipment, proper form is crucial to prevent injury.
Not sure what kind of bike might fit into your workout routine? Looking for spin classes? If you live in the Thornton, Northglenn, Westminster, Broomfield, Henderson, Brighton, Lafayette, Louisville, or throughout the Denver Metro area in Colorado, you have to try this gym, Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, 12301 Grant St. #210  in Thornton,CO. We have spin classes and personal trainers available too. Got questions? Give us a call, 303.920.2030 or check us out