Returning to AFAC Gym After a Break

Two smiling men standing by a squat rack at AFAC gym

Returning to the gym after a long break can feel both exciting and daunting. Whether you’ve been away due to injury, a busy schedule, or simply taking some time off, getting back into a fitness routine is a powerful step toward reclaiming your health and well-being. However, it’s important to approach this transition thoughtfully to avoid burnout or injury. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips to help you ease back into your workouts, rebuild your strength, and rediscover the joy of movement at AFAC gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Step One: Just Show Up at the Gym

The first and most crucial step in getting back to the gym is simply showing up. Often, this can be the biggest hurdle. The idea of resuming a workout routine can feel overwhelming, but the key is to take it one day at a time. Start by telling yourself that all you need to do is walk through the gym doors and begin a workout. Give yourself permission to leave at any time. The beauty of this approach is that, more often than not, once you start moving, you’ll find the motivation to continue. By the time you finish, you’ll likely leave the gym feeling accomplished and energized, reinforcing the habit of showing up day after day. As this becomes a non-negotiable part of your routine, you’ll find that getting to the gym becomes second nature again.

Log Your Workouts at the Gym

Once you’ve mastered the habit of showing up, the next step is to log your workouts consistently. Keeping track of your progress not only provides a visual representation of how well you’re achieving your goals but also serves as a powerful inspiration. When you can see tangible evidence of your improvements, whether it’s lifting heavier weights, running longer distances, or simply showing up regularly, it boosts your confidence and drives you to keep going. Plus, if you’re someone who thrives on external validation, sharing your progress with friends or on social media can add an extra layer of accountability and encouragement. Don’t be shy about celebrating your victories—each step forward is a win worth acknowledging.

Figure Out Your Why

The next step in your journey back to the gym is to figure out your “why” and focus on it. Understanding your underlying purpose will help you stay committed and driven. Are you hitting the gym to lose fat, gain muscle, or maintain your mobility and bone strength as you age? Perhaps you’re preparing for a bodybuilding competition, seeking to reduce stress, or simply carving out some “me” time to unwind and process the day. Whatever your reasons, keeping them at the forefront of your mind will serve as a powerful motivator. When you’re clear about why you’re making the effort to return to the gym, it becomes easier to stay on track, even on the days when your get-up-and-go is low. Your “why” is your anchor, so make sure to remind yourself of it regularly to fuel your journey.

Give Yourself Some Grace

As you ease back into your fitness routine, it’s important to give yourself some grace. Remember that not every workout will be perfect, and that’s completely normal. Some days you’ll feel strong, energized, and ready to conquer every exercise on your list. But on other days, you might not lift as much, run as fast, or feel as enthused. And that’s okay. The key to long-term fitness success lies in consistency, not perfection. It’s about showing up and putting in the effort, even when it doesn’t go exactly as planned. By allowing yourself to have off days without guilt, you create a sustainable approach to fitness that acknowledges your humanity and keeps you moving forward.

Ease Into a New Workout Routine

If you’re getting back into exercise after a break, it’s essential to ease into your new program gradually. Don’t expect to pick up exactly where you left off, especially if you were performing at a high level before. Jumping right back into heavy lifting or intense cardio can strain muscles and tendons that haven’t been active in a while. The same goes for pushing yourself into long runs or deep stretches too soon.

Remember the effort and time it took to reach your previous fitness level. It’s unrealistic and unfair to yourself to assume you can instantly return to that point without any setbacks. Pushing too hard, too quickly, increases your risk of injury, which can derail your progress right from the start.

Instead, begin with lower intensity workouts to assess your current fitness level. Focus on gradually rebuilding your endurance and retraining your muscles. With patience and consistency, you’ll be back to peak performance before you know it!

Mentally Prepare for Exercise at the Gym

If you’ve exercised before, you’re likely familiar with the fact that challenging your muscles can leave you feeling a bit sore. It’s the kind of soreness that signals progress, but sore nonetheless. Restarting your fitness routine might intensify that feeling at first, as workouts that once felt easy may now seem a bit more challenging. This is perfectly normal and just part of the process. Try not to get discouraged—be patient with yourself. The more you stick with it, the easier it will become.

Also, be mindful of your pride as you scale back your workouts during this restart. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to what you used to be able to do, but instead of dwelling on the past, focus on making small, steady improvements as you rebuild your routine. Looking ahead and embracing progress, however small, is far more productive than looking back.

Prioritize Your Form

Maintaining proper form is essential for maximizing the benefits of any exercise. As you restart your routine, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on performing each movement correctly, helping you establish solid muscle memory. Enlist the help of a personal trainer to show you proper form with each exercise you do.

Grab Some New Gym Gear

If it’s been a while since you last exercised, you might need to update your attire. For example, anyone can benefit from new gym shoes. Or perhaps treat yourself to a stylish new workout outfit, gym bag, and towels—after all, who doesn’t feel great in fresh gear?

Make It Social

Who doesn’t enjoy spending time with friends? Exercising with a workout buddy can make your routine more fun and give you that extra push on days when you might be tempted to skip. You could also join a group class at the gym. Having a set class schedule can provide the added incentive you need to stay committed to your fitness goals.

Choose Activities You Enjoy

Create a workout routine that you genuinely enjoy. When you’re having fun, you’re more likely to stick with it. Conversely, don’t force yourself to do exercises you dislike—find alternatives that make you happy instead.

Switch It Up

While you might be eager to return to some of your favorite workouts, it’s also beneficial to explore something new. Your body and mind will appreciate the variety. In fact, experts agree that mixing up your routine helps engage all major muscle groups and prevents both plateaus and mental burnout.

Take a Holistic Approach

A successful workout routine goes beyond just completing your cardio and strength sessions. Consider easing back into exercise as a component of your overall self-care, rather than just a task to check off. Prioritize hydration, proper nutrition, and quality sleep as essential parts of your wellness journey. This way, even on days when you miss a workout, you’re still focusing on the other aspects of health that contribute to your well-being.

Remember How Great a Gym Workout Makes You Feel

It’s easy to get caught up in the effort required for a workout and forget about the benefits. While exercising can be challenging in the moment, most people agree that they feel much better afterward. So, if you’re having trouble forcing yourself to get started, it’s okay to seek a little extra push. Just remember the post-workout high—you’ll almost always feel better and more accomplished after, and aside from a bit of muscle soreness, you’ll never regret a workout.

How Long Will It Take to Regain My Previous Fitness Level?

The time it takes to regain your former fitness level varies based on several factors unique to you. How fit were you before you took a break? How long has it been since you’ve exercised regularly? Can you commit 2-3 hours per week to fitness? Are you dedicated to getting healthy and fit?

It could take weeks or even months to reach the same level of strength and fitness you had before. The key is to progress at a pace that’s safe and sustainable for you. Remember, fitness is a lifelong journey, not a goal to be checked off and forgotten once achieved.

How Long Does Muscle Memory Last?

Muscle memory, also known as muscle adaptation, can endure for a surprisingly long time—potentially even a lifetime. When you repeatedly practice specific movements, your muscles become more adept at performing them. This adaptation makes it easier to regain strength and coordination after a period of inactivity. The duration of muscle memory varies depending on the individual and the type of movement, but in many cases, it can persist for months or even years. So whether your go-to activity was cycling, rowing, or weightlifting, the more you practiced it before taking a break, the more efficiently your body will be able to pick it back up when you return.

It’s Time to Resume Your Fitness Journey at AFAC Gym!

As you recommit yourself to the gym, remember that the most important thing is to be patient with yourself and stay consistent. Getting back into a fitness routine after a long break can be challenging, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can successfully regain your strength and reach new fitness goals.

Fitness is a lifelong journey, not a sprint, so give yourself grace along the way. Celebrate the small victories, keep your eyes on the long-term benefits, and most importantly, enjoy the process. You’re taking a powerful step toward a healthier, happier you, and that’s something to be proud of.

If you’ve been searching for the perfect local gym to pick up where you left off, we hope you’ll stop by AFAC to take a tour of our gym and speak to our team about our affordable memberships. AFAC gym is committed to supporting your health and wellness efforts, so you’ll see the results you’re working so hard for. That’s why we were voted the best gym in Thornton, Colorado, and have hundreds of 5-star reviews.

To learn more about our top-rated gym and our incredible array of strength training and cardio equipment — as well as our unique offerings and amenities like daily group classes, cryotherapy, InBody 770 assessments, hydro massage, and our rock climbing wall and cave — we hope you will contact us or visit for a personalized tour. Our team will be happy to help you. For more information and assistance, you can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or