Is the Secret to 6-Pack Abs at a Gym Near Me?

Woman doing sit-ups on the floor

One of the most common questions asked of personal trainers at the gym is, “How do I get 6-pack abs?”

It’s an understandable question, since strong, defined abdominal muscles can boost your physical health, mental health, appearance, and confidence. However, getting that defined 6-pack look takes more than performing a specific set of exercises. Much of the battle is also fought in the way you eat, because even if you do 1,000 crunches per day, your abdominal muscles can remain hidden underneath a layer of belly fat.

In this blog, we’ll discuss what it takes to achieve 6-pack abs and the exercises you can do at AFAC’s gym in Thornton to help you along this fitness journey.

Do I get great abs at the gym or in the kitchen?

You might have heard the expression, “Great abs are made in the kitchen,” but what does that mean? Aren’t great abs made at the gym?

The answer is, yes and no. Before we discuss what you can do at the gym to get great abs, let’s start with what you can do outside the gym – more specifically, what you can do about your diet.

The truth is, having 6-pack abs is more about how you reduce your body’s overall fat percentage than how many crunches you do every day. To get those visible abdominal muscles you want, you don’t just need to train them – you also need to keep an eye on the food you eat and lose body fat so that your abs can take center stage.

In general, by consuming less calories than you burn, you can reduce your body’s fat percentage. As the fat around your belly begins to fade away, your abdominal muscles will become more visible.

Count calories in and calories out

The “kitchen” part of the equation is fairly simple. Just make sure to check with your doctor before starting any diet and exercise program.

  1. First, find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body burns to perform basic life-sustaining functions. There are several online calculators available that can help you calculate your BMR.
  2. Then, keep track of the number of calories you eat. This can be easily accomplished with apps like MyFitnessPal. Don’t consume less than 1,200 calories per day unless directed by your doctor.
  3. Also keep track of how many calories you’re burning with exercise. This can also be calculated with an app like MyFitnessPal or by using the MyZone exercise tracker from AFAC gym.
  4. Take the number of calories you consume, subtract your BMR and subtract the calories you burn. The result will be your calorie deficit or surplus.
  5. To reduce your body fat, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means you burn more calories than you consume.
  6. What should your calorie deficit be? That can depend on how much body fat you think you need to lose, but it’s common for people to aim for a calorie deficit of 300-500 calories per day.

By following these guidelines, you should see your belly fat slowly go away, revealing the abdominal muscles underneath.

Eat plenty of protein

What you eat can also affect how successful you are in developing your abdominal muscles. Protein is one of the main building blocks of muscle tissue in your body, so make sure to consume plenty of it — at least 0.35 grams of protein per pound of body weight — to grow great abs. Studies have also shown that ingesting 20-40 grams of protein directly after your workout maximizes your body’s ability to rebuild muscle. More muscle means better results.

Focus on lean proteins

Ideally, you should eat lean proteins that are low in fat. Examples of low-fat proteins include:

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Tofu
  • Eggs
  • Soy products
  • Seeds
  • Legumes

Avoid empty calories

In addition to lean protein, eat foods that are packed with as many nutrients as possible. Avoid empty calories like sweets, sugary sodas, white breads, potato chips, and other “junk” food. Instead, trade those empty calories for superfoods like almonds, berries, spinach, whole-grain bread, and whey protein powder.

What body fat percentage do you need for visible abs?

At the gym, you might hear people talk about their efforts to reduce body fat and get 6-pack abs. It turns out, your body fat percentage needs to be below a certain number for abdominal muscles to become visible. But what does your body fat percentage need to be? It can vary somewhat depending on your genetic makeup and whether you’re male or female, but here are some guidelines to consider.

Body fat percentage in males

  • 5-9% — This body fat level is reserved for elite bodybuilding competitors. It leaves just enough body fat for survival. It’s incredibly difficult to reach this level, but when you do, you will have a lean and visible 6-pack.
  • 10-14% — In this range, you’ll still be lean and your abs will be visible, but it’s healthier than the 5-9% range.
  • 15-19% — This body fat range is considered healthy, but it’s unlikely that you’ll see ab definition in this percentage or anything above.

Body fat percentage in females

  • 5-9% — This is a very low and possibly dangerous fat range for females. An 8-10% body fat percentage is essential for life. Your abs will be visible, but you may compromise your health by trying to attain this level.
  • 10-14% — This is about as low as you want to go for body fat levels in females. You’ll have impressive muscle definition and visible abs if you work out your abdominal muscles adequately.
  • 15-19% — In this body fat range, females will have definition in their obliques (the sides of the abdomen) but lower abs will start to fade. Attaining this body fat percentage requires a strict diet and exercise plan.
  • 20-24% — This is a healthy fat percentage for females, but muscle definition won’t be very visible. Anything above this range will give you a softer look and could lead toward other health problems.

For more information about calculating your body fat percentage, ask the team at AFAC gym about our InBody 770 body composition assessments.

What exercises should I do at the gym to develop my abdominal muscles?

Now that we have a firm understanding on how our diet affects our 6-pack goal, let’s discuss some exercises you can do at a gym near you like Adventure Fitness Athletic Club to build strong, defined, “ripped” abs.


Sit-ups are the quintessential exercise for the abdominal muscles. They’ve been used for many years by military, scholastic, and fitness tests, which speaks to how effective they are. In addition to strengthening the abs, sit-ups also build the hip flexor muscles. You can begin by doing sit-ups on a level surface, like the floor, and then increase the intensity by using a decline bench at the gym.

  1. Lie down on the floor or bench, placing your feet under something that will not move, or by having someone hold them. Bend your legs at the knees.
  2. Place your hands behind your head and clasp your fingers to lock your hands together. You can also fold your hands on your chest.
  3. Raise your upper body and bend at your hips to create a V-shape with your body and thighs.
  4. Lower your body back down to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Bicycle maneuver

  1. Lie down flat on the floor on your back.
  2. Clasp your fingers behind your head and bring your knees toward your chest. Press your lower back into the floor.
  3. Twist your body to the right side, bringing your left elbow and right knee closer together. Extend your left leg at the same time.
  4. Reverse the motion, twisting to the left side while bringing your right elbow and left knee toward each other and extending your right leg.
  5. Repeat the exercise for the desired number of times, rest, and then perform two more sets.

Captain’s chair leg raise

You can perform this exercise at AFAC gym using our knee raise station. Let our team know if you need assistance using this piece of equipment and we’ll be happy to help!

  1. Place your back against the back support of the station.
  2. Gently rest your forearms on the armrests and grip the handles.
  3. Allow your legs to hang freely from the station.
  4. Bend your legs toward your chest. Another variation to this exercise is to keep your legs straight as you raise them.
  5. Hold this position for 1-3 seconds, and then lower your legs back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, rest, and then perform two more sets.

Define Your Abs at AFAC Gym

There might be many gyms near you in the Thornton area, but Adventure Fitness Athletic Club has the best combination of equipment, personal trainers, and group classes to help you reach your fitness goals, including the goal to achieve the perfect 6-pack abs.

For more information about how to develop your abdominal muscles, please speak with a member of our staff and we’ll gladly answer any questions you have. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan, at 720-849-0245 or for assistance.

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