Climb Your Way to the Top on the StairMaster 10G Gauntlet at AFAC Gym

StairMaster at Our Thornton Gym

If you’re ready to try one of the hardest workouts at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club, climb onto our StairMaster 10G Gauntlet stepmill. The design of this machine features an Overdrive Training Mode that lets you simulate carrying or pushing a load upstairs, giving you the most intense climbing workout ever.

The StairMaster 10G Gauntlet is one of Susan’s favorite workouts at her Thornton, CO, gym and we know many of our members love this versatile machine, as well. Read on to learn more about the StairMaster 10G Gauntlet’s features and the advantages of adding this machine to your workout regimen.

What is the StairMaster 10G Gauntlet?

With the 10G Gauntlet model, the notoriously hard StairMaster workout just got harder. Its design showcases a long list of extra features to give you the best step-up workout you’ve ever experienced. Features include:

  • An Overdrive Training Mode that comes with a sled push and farmer’s carry option, which is perfect for HIIT workouts
  • The widest and deepest stepping surface, and the lowest step-up height, in the industry
  • Steps that are 8 inches high, 12 inches deep, and 22 inches wide
  • Ergonomic handrails that support many different climbing positions
  • A smooth, quiet workout
  • A full-color LCD screen
  • Many different pre-programmable workouts to try
  • A quick-start option so that you can begin your workout immediately
  • A Landmark Challenge program that allows you to climb well-known places around the world like the Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty, and Eiffel Tower.
  • Precise control of stair speed, which allows users of any level to exercise inside their comfort zone
  • 25 different step rate levels, ranging from 24 to 190 steps per minute
  • Bluetooth connectivity so that you can track your workout data
  • A USB charging port so that you can charge your devices while you work out
  • HDMI streaming from your personal device
  • Places to hold your bottles and accessories while you work out
  • Personal cooling fans

What are the benefits of using a StairMaster at the gym?

People have been using stairs as a workout tool practically since stairs were invented. On any given day, it’s not unusual to see athletes and other exercise enthusiasts walking, jogging or running up and down stairs at stadiums, parks, and office buildings. Here in the Thornton area, many residents and visitors love to hit the Manitou Incline or Red Rocks Amphitheatre to get a strenuous stairclimbing workout with a spectacular view at the top.

Sometimes, however, it’s not possible to climb real stairs, which is why the StairMaster at AFAC gym becomes a much more convenient option for our members who want all the benefits of a stairclimbing workout. And, as the best gym in Thornton, our goal is to deliver these benefits and many more.

Customize the machine to your fitness level

You can set the speed and duration of your StairMaster workout, which makes this machine a perfect option regardless of your fitness level, and it can grow with you as you get stronger.

Get a great lower-body workout

The StairMaster tones lower-body muscles like the quadriceps, calves, glutes, and hamstrings.

Your quadriceps are the muscles in the front of your thigh. Every time you push off from one step to the next on the StairMaster, you’re building these muscles.

Your calves are activated every time you lift your heel to take a step. The StairMaster keeps your calves working hard to lift your heels, step after step. This can help improve your balance.

Your glutes, located in your buttocks, are some of the strongest muscles in your body. These muscles move your hips and thighs, which means you rely heavily on your glutes when you climb on the StairMaster.

Your hamstrings are located in the back of your thighs. These muscles help bend your knee, which means they’re working overtime when you’re on the StairMaster.

… and a great upper-body workout

Thanks to the StairMaster 10G Gauntlet’s handrails that provide three hand positions for pushing, as well as farmer’s carry handles, this machine can also build muscles in your upper body.

During the sled push, hold onto the top handles and adopt a lower, forward-leaning position. Push against the handles with bent or straight arms as you climb the StairMaster.

A farmer’s carry, also known as a farmer’s walk, is an exercise that involves holding a heavy load in each hand while walking forward. On the StairMaster, you can simulate the farmer’s carry exercise by holding onto the handrails while you climb. In addition to building muscles in the arms and shoulders, the farmer’s carry is also a functional exercise because it applies to real-life situations like carrying groceries inside from your car.

Boost your aerobic conditioning

Working out on the StairMaster gets your heart beating and your lungs breathing, which is how you build aerobic fitness. We’ve all experienced a time when we’ve lost our breath running upstairs! But with repeated use of the StairMaster, you can improve your endurance and easily conquer any flight of stairs. This also means your lungs will be able to breathe more oxygen, and your heart will be able to pump more nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and organs.

Burn calories

The StairMaster can provide an effective calorie-burning workout, particularly if you pay attention to your speed. The faster you climb, the more calories you’ll burn. The machine also comes with a calorie-burning calculator that you can use to estimate how many calories you’ve used during your workout.

Build your core muscles

As you work to keep your balance on the StairMaster, you’ll work your core muscles which can help prevent back pain, improve posture, and reduce your risk of injury.

Improve bone health

Climbing stairs is a weight-bearing exercise, which helps increase the density of your bones and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

Get a low-impact workout that strengthens your knees

Using a StairMaster helps to strengthen muscles around your knees which takes stress off your knee joints. Climbing on a StairMaster is also considered a low-impact exercise, so it can improve knee strength without the pounding effect of running on a treadmill or other hard surface.

Be entertained

Thanks to the Landmark Challenge program, our StairMaster can make it seem like you’re climbing famous structures around the world like the Eiffel Tower, which adds fun to your workout and takes your mind off any fatigue you feel.

Improve your functional fitness

Climbing steps and stairs is one of the most basic, everyday activities that we all encounter regularly. By working out on the StairMaster, you can help your body maintain this rudimentary function so that you’re able to tackle stairs everywhere you go in life.

You’ll only go up

Unlike walking real stairs, which require you to go down after you climb up, the StairMaster keeps you walking up stairs during your entire workout. This makes your workout more time-efficient and also helps you avoid the joint stress you experience from walking down stairs.

Just Push Start and Climb Away on the StairMaster 10G at Our Thornton Gym

Are you ready to climb an endless flight of stairs on the StairMaster 10G Gauntlet at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club? We thought so! Try this fantastic cardiovascular workout at our Thornton gym today and you’ll quickly understand why it’s one of our most popular machines for improving endurance, strength, and muscle tone.

For more information about the StairMaster 10G, feel free to speak to anyone on our staff. You can also contact our gym owner, Susan at 720-849-0245 or for assistance.

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