
Hit All Major Muscle Groups with a Kettlebell Workout at AFAC Gym

There are many different weights, machines, and other equipment you can use for strength training at the gym, but one of the most unique is the humble kettlebell.

With one simple kettlebell, you can strength train every major muscle group in your body. Read on to learn the benefits of kettlebell training and how to achieve a full-body workout with kettlebells at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Woman doing dumbbell chest flys at AFAC gym in Thornton, Colorado

A Dozen Reasons Why You Should Do Dumbbell Chest Flys at AFAC Gym

The dumbbell chest fly is a fantastic exercise to do at the gym if you’re looking to build strength in your chest, shoulders, and arms. In addition to the strength training gains that come with this exercise, there are many other benefits you can enjoy.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to do dumbbell chest flys, the muscles worked, and 12 surprising advantages of adding this workout to your regular rotation at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Graphic of human body, labeling all the muscles

What Are Stabilizer Muscles and Why Are They So Important at AFAC Gym?

How many times have you been told to check your form when you work out at the gym? More times than you can count, right?

And that’s good advice. You must maintain proper form when you exercise to get the results you want and avoid injury. Good form, however, is only possible because of your stabilizer muscles.

What are stabilizer muscles, you ask? Read this blog to learn all about them and what they do when you exercise at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Woman doing a lunge at the gym while lifting a weight plate above her head

Are You Training All 10 Foundational Movement Patterns at AFAC Gym?

When you go to the gym, you might feel overwhelmed by the complex exercises you see other gym members performing.

Have you ever looked around and thought, “Am I doing all the exercises I should be doing? What if I’m missing something important?”

While the sheer number of exercises seems endless, if you look closely, you’ll notice that almost all exercises fall into 10 basic movement patterns. Once you become familiar with these fundamental movement patterns, you can make sure your training program is well-rounded.

Regardless of the latest fancy move people are showing you at the gym, there’s no substitute for mastering the basics of exercise. This blog will walk you through the 10 foundational movement patterns and how you can ensure they show up in your program at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Digital clock at AFAC gym with red-lit numbers showing time of 8:06 a.m.

What Is the Best Time of Day to Work Out at AFAC Gym?

What’s the best time of day to work out at the gym? Most of us have such busy schedules that our answer is, “Whenever we can!”

That might mean we go to the gym before or after work. Or we could show up in the afternoon when our kids are in school. Or we may go when our favorite personal trainer is teaching the group class we love the most.

So, it really boils down to each person’s individual choice and needs. And, if the results are the same, does it really matter what time of day we go to the gym?

Yet some studies seem to indicate that the results aren’t the same. Read this blog to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of working out at various times of the day so that you can make the best decision about when to work out at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Two women at AFAC gym. One woman is doing a floor bridge. The other woman is behind her doing a side plank.

Making the Case for Core Stability Exercises at AFAC Gym

You hear the word “core” thrown around a lot at the gym, so you know it’s important.

But when you stop to think about it, you still might wonder, what exactly is my core? Why is it so important to train my core muscles? And what exercises can I do to strengthen them?

This blog has some answers. Read on to learn all about the value of core stability and how to stabilize your core at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Graphic with a dumbbell, an equal sign, and a man lifting his t-shirt to show his six-pack abdominal muscles

The Best Dumbbell Ab Exercises to Try at AFAC Gym

If we asked you to name the best abdominal exercises, you’d probably list workouts like sit-ups, crunches, and planks.

And, if we asked you to name the best dumbbell exercises, you’d probably list workouts like bicep curls, goblet squats, and bent-over rows.

Those are all good answers, but what if we asked one final question — What are the best dumbbell abdominal exercises?

That one might stump you because dumbbells are not typically thought of as ab blasters. But, when used properly, these weights can give you big gains as you work toward the perfect six pack.

Read this blog to learn about why it’s important to keep your abs strong, as well as some of the best dumbbell ab exercises you can try at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Man sitting on window ledge at the gym looking at his phone and wearing earbuds

9 of the Worst Things You Can Do Before a Workout at AFAC Gym

By now, you’ve heard many tips on what you can do to improve the results of your gym workouts. Things like eating lots of lean protein, drinking water, and getting plenty of rest.

On the other hand, some of the things you’re doing might have the opposite effect. You could be sabotaging your fitness journey before you even take the first step.

If you’re going to put in time and effort at the gym, you might as well make the most of it by avoiding some routine mistakes! In this blog, we’ll list some of the worst things you can do before a workout at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado, and how to correct them.

Man disinfecting AFAC gym with hospital-grade disinfectant

Could More Exercise at AFAC Gym Lead to Less Severe COVID-19 Outcomes?

The team at AFAC gym does everything possible to keep our gym sanitary and prevent the spread of illnesses like COVID-19. Several times per week, we fog the gym and ventilation system with hospital-grade disinfectant. We also provide sanitation stations throughout the gym where members can disinfect their hands and gym equipment before and after each exercise. AFAC gym also cleans and sanitizes all common areas multiple times a day.

In addition to sanitation, there are other ways to avoid the health risks of COVID such as vaccinations and booster shots.

And, on top that, doctors believe regular exercise can decrease the risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes like hospitalization and death. While that’s great news, healthcare professionals have never explained exactly how much exercise people need to reduce their risk.

Will a couple workouts a week be enough to lessen our chances of severe COVID? Or do we need daily workouts?

A new study gives us some answers on how different amounts of exercise can affect one’s COVID prognosis. Read on to learn more about what the study found and other benefits of regular workouts at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Man at AFAC gym holding a pot of candy in one hand and a dumbbell in the other hand

Can You Out-Train a Bad Diet with Exercise at AFAC Gym?

It’s one of the most common mantras at the gym – “You can’t out-train a bad diet.”

When most people hear it, they think in terms of calories. In other words, they hear, “Just because you go to the gym doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight.”

But what about when you exercise for longevity and disease prevention? Can you eat unhealthy foods but still save yourself from serious health problems by exercising at the gym?

Some recent research attempted to answer this question. Read on to learn what science says about whether you can cancel out the effects of a bad diet by exercising at our gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Two people planking at AFAC gym

How Long to Hold a Plank at AFAC Gym for a Stronger Core

Did you know that one of the best exercises you can do may only take a minute or two?

It might feel like the longest minute of your life, but spending just 60 seconds doing a plank can pay big dividends.

There’s a lot of debate, however, about how long one should hold a plank. A few seconds? One minute? Two? Five whole minutes? The Guinness World Record for holding a plank is 9 hours, 30 minutes, and 1 second, achieved by Daniel Scali in Australia on August 6, 2021! Is that the kind of planking time we should all be striving for?

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss what a plank is, how long and how often you should plank at our gym in Thornton, Colorado, and the benefits you can enjoy from this grueling exercise.

Man doing front-loaded barbell squat at AFAC gym

Cultivate Bigger, Stronger Quads at AFAC Gym

Your quadriceps, or “quads,” are some of the largest and strongest muscles in your body. Quads are the crown jewel of your legs, filling out the entire front of your thigh. And, if you’ve been training your quads diligently, you’ll notice them bulging out from under your pants or shorts.

But strong quads can give you more than a set of shredded-looking legs. They’re also important for optimum performance in most sports — plus a muscle you must train for greater overall athleticism. In addition, quads are essential for many everyday functions like walking, running, getting up from a chair, climbing the stairs, and lifting something off the floor.

In this blog, you’ll learn the anatomy of your quads, reasons why you should train them, and the most efficient exercises for building bigger and more powerful quad muscles at our gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Susan Schaffner, owner of AFAC gym, standing in the entryway of the gym with the front door open

7 Tips for Beginners at AFAC Gym

If you’ve never joined a gym before, are new to a gym, or are coming back after a long break, it can be intimidating to walk in the front doors.

Deep down inside, we all realize no one is judging us at the gym. But it’s normal to feel self-conscious about how we look, our form (or lack thereof), and our inexperience with the gym equipment.

In today’s blog, we’ll share some tips on how to get familiar with AFAC gym and feel comfortable with any workout you choose to do.

One of our top tips is to take advantage of AFAC’s personal training special! For just $50, you can receive a session with one of our trainers who will show you everything you need to know to get started like a pro at our gym in Thornton, Colorado. Read this blog to learn more.

Graphic showing how type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes sugar (glucose) to accumulate in the blood

Does Working Out at AFAC Gym Lower My Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 34 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes. Another 88 million adults have prediabetes, a condition that, if not treated, can lead to type 2 diabetes.

These are grim statistics, but several studies have found that exercise can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by a large margin. But what kinds of workouts work best? Read on to learn more about what type 2 diabetes is and the exercises you can do at our gym in Thornton, Colorado to fight against this serious condition.

Personal Trainer

From The Owner   Personal Trainer Find a Personal Trainer Near You at AFAC Gym in Thornton, Colorado Are you searching for a personal trainer in Thornton, CO, who can turn your fitness dreams into a reality? If so, we invite you to meet our team of trainers at Adventure Fitness Athletic Club. AFAC gym’s [...]
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness at the Gym

Can I Build Muscle at AFAC Gym Without Getting Sore?

Do you remember the last time you crushed a tough workout at AFAC gym? Maybe you ramped up the loads you were lifting, or raised the number of reps, or tried a brand-new activity. As soon as you were done, you felt amazing!

But, when you woke up the next morning, you were so sore that you struggled to get out of bed.

Regardless of how much it hurt, you wore the aches and pains with pride. Those were hard evidence that you pushed your body to new limits.

That deep muscle ache the day after a workout is known as delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS for short. What is DOMS, and is this discomfort required to make gains at our gym in Thornton, Colorado? In today’s blog, we’ll talk about what DOMS is and the role it plays during your fitness journey.

Man jumping rope at AFAC gym

Anaerobic Exercise at AFAC Gym

Do you know what anaerobic exercise is? Even if you don’t, chances are you’ve done anaerobic exercises without even realizing it.

Anaerobic means “without oxygen.” Being without oxygen doesn’t sound like a good thing, but anaerobic exercise is when you work out at such a high intensity that your heart and lungs can’t deliver oxygen to your muscles fast enough to fuel the movement. This can help you increase your muscle strength and endurance.

Read this blog to learn more about how anaerobic exercise works, its benefits, and examples of anaerobic exercises you can do at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Front view of three male bodies showing the difference between the bro split, upper/lower split, and full body strength training

What Is Your Workout Split at AFAC Gym?

When you go into the gym to strength train, you need a plan to get the most out of your workout.

A workout split — also known as a training split or just a split — is a strength training schedule that you follow throughout the week. A split ensures that you train every major muscle group at least once during the week and allows for recovery time in between sessions.

There are splits that cover individual body parts on certain days, particular lifts on certain days, and various combinations in between.

In today’s blog, we’ll break down what the most common splits are so you’re more informed to determine which split fits your fitness goals at AFAC’s gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Group of Nordic walkers standing in front of AFAC gym in Thornton, Colorado.

Muscle and Bone Strengthening Workouts at AFAC Gym

We all know the benefits of regular workouts at the gym — they improve muscle strength, build endurance, reduce the risk of serious diseases, and prevent obesity.

What most of us don’t know is that regular gym exercise builds and maintains our bones, too. Many of us are also not aware that failing to exercise causes the loss of bone mass.

Once we become adults, we can expect to slowly lose bone and muscle mass with every passing year.

Thankfully, regular workouts at the gym can help us maintain bone and muscle strength. In this blog, we’ll discuss why we lose bone and muscle as we age and the workouts you can try at our gym in Thornton, Colorado, to keep your bones and muscles stronger.

Smiling older woman sitting at a strength training machine at AFAC gym.

Best Exercises for Seniors at AFAC Gym

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy at any point during our lives, no matter what our age. Some of us might think that we’ll slow down when we’re seniors, but for people older than 65, exercise is more crucial than ever.

Why is exercise so vital for older adults and what exercises are best for people as they reach their senior years? Read this blog for answers to these questions and examples of exercises that seniors can do at our gym in Thornton, Colorado.